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Iran to Israel after strikes: Cowards fled the battlefield VIDEO

Their aggression showed more fear than a desire to show strength, General Mohsen Rezaei said

Oct 26, 2024 10:45 41

Iran to Israel after strikes: Cowards fled the battlefield VIDEO  - 1

Secretary of Iran's Council for the Determination of political expediency and former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, the elite units of the Iranian armed forces) General Mohsen Rezaei expressed the opinion that by striking the republic, Israel showed its fear and desire to “escape”.

„Israel's aggression against Iran was driven more by fear and a desire to escape from the battlefield than by a desire to show strength,” Rezaei wrote on the X social network.

In the capital Tehran and major cities of Iran, the situation remains calm. Iranian media reported that residents of the republic did not feel any consequences from the Israeli attacks. The objects of the social and economic infrastructure were also not damaged.