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Accepting applications for the social services "Assistant for Independent Childhood" and "Assistant for Independent and

We are notified electronically about preventive examinations, SMS by phone or Viber for patients who use assistive devices or expensive drugs for home treatment

Sep 2, 2024 07:03 122

Accepting applications for the social services "Assistant for Independent Childhood" and "Assistant for Independent and  - 1

As of today, applications are being accepted for the social services “Assistant for independent childhood“ and “Assistant for an independent and active life”, BTA reported. This is stated on the website of the Metropolitan Municipality (SO). Applications will be accepted up to and including October 31, 2024.

The service is provided under the Ordinance on the Provision of Social Services “Assistants for Independent Living” (NPSUANGH). Application documents for the calendar year 2025 should be submitted to the Social Services Offices according to the place of residence of the applicants for users, according to the SO.

From there they explain that in order to avoid crowding, schedules will be prepared for submitting the documents. Therefore, those who wish to do so need to reserve a day and time in advance for submitting them to the relevant Social Services Bureau.

The ranking will take place after an individual and objective decision of the commission under Art. 15 of the NPSUANJ, explained by the SO.

The lists of included user candidates will be published on the official electronic portal of the Metropolitan Municipality no later than 10 days before the start of using the services.

The Ordinance on the Provision of the Social Services “ Assistant for Independent Living“ was adopted by the Metropolitan Municipal Council (SMC) in 2007, the press center of the Municipal Council stated in response to an inquiry by BTA. Sofia Municipality has been a provider of this service since March 2008. The funding ú is entirely with funds from the Municipality's budget.

Changes, amendments and additions to the Ordinance have been made over the years, with the last amendment being from 2021

„Independent Living Assistants“ is a social service for compensating the deficit for people with permanent disabilities and difficulties in their active social inclusion and in daily services, the press center of the Social Security indicated.

From 2008 to the present, users of the social service “Assistants for independent living“ there are a total of 19,747 people. As in the current year, the users are a total of 1226 people.

Given the specific characteristics of users, the service is divided by age into “Assistant for independent and active living” and “Assistant for independent childhood", explained the press center of the Ministry of Education.

The terms of use of the social service “Assistant for independent and active living“ the persons must have reached the age of 18 at the time of starting the use of the social service, have 90% or more than 90% permanently reduced working capacity with certain foreign assistance, have a valid decision of the Territorial Expert Medical Commission (TELK) or the National Expert Medical Commission (NELC); have a permanent address on the territory of the Capital Municipality, and for learners and students - have and/or a current address on the territory of the Capital Municipality. Also among the conditions is that they are not users of similar social services during the period of use of this service.

Users of the social service “Assistant for independent childhood“ are children who simultaneously meet the following conditions: to be over 5 years of age during the period of use of this service with 50% and over 50% type and degree of disability with a certain foreign aid, possessing a valid decision of TELC or NELC, stated through their legal representative; to have a permanent address on the territory of the Capital Municipality, and for students - with and/or a current address on the territory of the Municipality and not to be users of similar social services during the period of use of this service, the Municipality also explained about BTA.

From today, it is possible to notify patients electronically of the preventive examinations they are required to undergo by gender and age. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the electronic application "eHealth", which is paired with the electronic patient record. Pairing can be done at the offices of “Information Service” AD, as well as in the regional health insurance fund or in the regional health inspection. It is necessary for citizens to present an identity card. People will not need to visit any of the offices again unless they change their phone or delete the app. The new pairing is an alternative to the Qualified Electronic Signature pairing methods, and this option will remain valid.

Pairing will be free.

One of the greatest interests of patients is to have access to the information affecting their health condition and exactly what data is included in the patient file, said a few days ago the MD. manager of the NHIF Prof. Momchil Mavrov. According to him, in this way the processes with the payment and the use of the public resource will be optimized.

From today, the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) will send a message by phone or via the Viber platform to patients who use assistive devices or expensive medicines for home treatment.

Patients treated with protocol-dispensed medications will be notified when their new protocol is registered, when it is approved, when the document is canceled, when a refusal is received, when the protocol expires, when additional documents are needed, and etc.

Patients who use assistive devices will be notified by message when their assistive device request, repair request is received, approved or denied, canceled, etc.

The electronicization of the processes in the NHIF led to a drastic reduction in the processing time of the protocols for expensive drugs for home treatment, Ivaylo Stoychev, manager of “Projects” said a few days ago. in “Information Service“ AD. Before the introduction of the system, it took an average of 20 days to certify drug protocols, but now one day will suffice. The process of processing aid applications used to take about 40 days, but now it will be two days, he added.

There will be no attachments or links to the messages received by the patients, nor will they contain any text demanding payment.

All people with disabilities, regardless of whether they have health insurance, have the right to receive aids and repairs for them.