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Pokrovsk: A ghost town with a tense situation, but no critical humanitarian crisis

Military analyst from BILD describes the situation in the besieged city

Sep 19, 2024 13:53 183

Pokrovsk: A ghost town with a tense situation, but no critical humanitarian crisis  - 1

Encircled by the Russians, Pokrovsk has become a ghost town, but the situation there is not critical at all, assures the military analyst of the German newspaper BILD, Julian Röpke, in a report from a location quoted by Focus.

"Russian troops have blown up three overpasses leading to the city. Now it is entered by a dirt road. There are practically no people on the streets of the regional center. Once 65,000 people lived here, and now there are about 10,000 left. The town looks like a ghost. There are not many destroyed buildings or visible traces of war, the traffic lights are working, the streets are quite clean and even deceptively calm, although artillery explosions can be heard in the distance, the journalist says.

"After the front was stabilized in early September and the Russians stopped on these lines, they switched to the tactic of hitting the city with guided aerial bombs and rockets. Civilian infrastructure is being shelled less, but it is still in a state of disrepair. They primarily attack critical infrastructure, such as industrial facilities, which they believe can be used by the military. The situation with water, gas and electricity necessary for life is very tense. In some areas there is no electricity at all, in others - only partially. The situation is not critical and one cannot speak of a humanitarian disaster. But here there are no conditions for a normal stay”, explains Vitaly, a representative of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He added that until recently the suburbs of the city were shelled with artillery, but in recent days drones have also started flying in the center of the city. "Now the enemy is trying to take Pokrovsk under control with FPV drones," Vitaly adds.