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How many and what kind of cars drive germans

Oct 9, 2024 11:15 115

How many and what kind of cars drive germans  - 1

The data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) show a growth in motorization in Germany. According to statisticians' calculations published on Tuesday, October 8, as of January 1, 2024, the car ownership rate in Germany was 580 cars per 1,000 inhabitants. A year earlier, this figure was 578 cars.

Significant differences in the number of motorists in different regions of the country

However, there are quite significant differences in the level of motorization in Germany itself, which is primarily influenced by the presence or absence of a developed public transport network, writes Agence France Presse.

Thus, the highest rate of motorization was reported in Saarland - 655 cars per thousand inhabitants, followed by Rhineland-Palatinate (630 cars) and Bavaria (623 cars).

The lowest car density is found in the cities of Berlin (329 cars per thousand inhabitants), Hamburg (426) and Bremen (435), which is due to the presence of a well-developed public transport network there.

It is significant that compared to 2014, the motorization rate increased in all federal states, except for Berlin - 10 years ago, this rate was 337 cars per thousand people in the German capital.

Record number of cars in Germany

At the same time, 49.1 million cars were registered at the beginning of the current year, which is a new record. According to the agency, only 2.9% of cars are fully electric. A year ago, this figure was 2.1 percent.

On average, a German car traveled 12,320 kilometers last year, which is 150 kilometers less than a year ago, reports dpa. The average age of cars registered in Germany is now 10.3 years.