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How many billions are there in the treasury: Dispute between the official finance minister and "PP-DB" about the fiscal reserve

Due to cyclicality, the reserve is measured at the end of each month, at the end of April it will be over BGN 9 billion, the party's position reads

Apr 9, 2024 22:05 133

How many billions are there in the treasury: Dispute between the official finance minister and "PP-DB" about the fiscal reserve - 1

From “We continue the change“ (PP) came out with a position on the occasion of the statement of the acting Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Ludmila Petkova on the amount of the fiscal reserve. The reserve at the end of March was BGN 9.9 billion, according to the position sent by the party's press center and quoted by BTA.

At the beginning of April, large payments were made, such as BGN 1.6 billion to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) for the debt of "Heating" Sofia", as well as BGN 1.5 billion for the payment of pensions for April.

The expected tax revenues in April are BGN 3.9 billion, with the dates for them being April 14 - value added tax, and after April 25 - personal income tax and insurance. Because of this cyclicality, the reserve is always measured at the end of the month, the PP position states. So at the end of April, the fiscal reserve is expected to be over BGN 9 billion again, the formation adds.

„I find it hard to believe that Mrs. Petkova, who also receives the daily reports from the “State Treasury” directorate, does not know these facts. I hope they will not try to serve us a second series of “the state goes bankrupt” and “we will die of cold”, said the co-chairman of the PP and former finance minister Asen Vasilev.

Earlier today, Acting Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova told journalists that according to BNB data, the fiscal reserve as of April 8 was BGN 6.689 billion. It was said that as of March 29, the fiscal reserve was BGN 9.9 billion, Petkova said on the occasion of the press conference given earlier today, together with Asen Vassilev.

Of the money in the fiscal reserve, 4 billion are in the so-called Silver Fund. BGN 1.6 billion was provided for the acquisition of receivables from "Toplofikatsia Sofia" from "Bulgargaz", Petkova said when asked where the sums of the difference between BGN 9.9 and 6.7 billion are. A more detailed analysis is needed for the remaining expenses, and perhaps at the beginning of next week I will inform you about the MoF's policy on the state's debt, said Petkova.