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The money in the treasury: Are BGN 3 billion lost from the fiscal reserve or is it all a matter of accounts

The new Minister of Finance Ludmila Petkova commented that in this case it is not a matter of losing billions - the matter is of principle

Apr 10, 2024 13:41 250

The money in the treasury: Are BGN 3 billion lost from the fiscal reserve or is it all a matter of accounts - 1

Are three billion BGN lost from the fiscal reserveand where is the money? This question appeared on the first day when the new government took office. The former finance minister has already announced that he is leaving almost ten billion to his successor Lyudmila Petkova. However, her check shows a significantly smaller amount. How did this discrepancy come about and can we talk about wrongdoing? This is analyzed by Nova TV.

In fact, it all depends on which date we calculate the amount of the reserve. Within each month there are movements - certain amounts are withdrawn to make payments. Other money comes in, such as from taxes.

This is how we arrive at the drastic divergence – the reserve for Asen Vassilev is BGN 9.9 billion, and for Lyudmila Petkova – below 7 billion. Where does the discrepancy come from – in fact, from the period to which both check the account in question. The estimates of the now former Finance Minister are towards the end of March, and Deputy Prime Minister Petkova requested a reference from the BNB as of yesterday. So the question is what payments were made within these 9 days.

Just yesterday, the new authority in the Ministry of Finance confirmed that it expects the debts of “Toplofikatsia Sofia” to be paid from the reserve. - over a billion and a half. According to Asen Vassilev, another billion and a half were taken out of the account for the payment of the April pensions.

Vasilev expects the money collected from VAT and other taxes to enter the fiscal reserve in mid-April and then at the end of the month, with the amount expected to cover the 3 billion expenses and at the end of April in the fiscal reserve again to has over 9 billion BGN.

The new finance minister commented that in this case it is not a matter of billions being lost – the matter is fundamental and, according to her, it is important to indicate a given amount either to say that it was at the end of last month or to say how much was in the reserve yesterday. Otherwise, today she will have to explain where she spent BGN 3 billion in just one day - if yesterday the reserve was almost BGN 10 billion, and today - less than BGN 7.