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Sonia Momchilova announced the CEM as the most transparent and openly working regulator in Europe

It is difficult to resist and respect pluralism if the representatives of all parties must be satisfied, said the chairman of the regulator

Apr 13, 2024 11:05 123

Sonia Momchilova announced the CEM as the most transparent and openly working regulator in Europe - 1

There is no more transparent and openly working regulator in Europe than the Electronic Media Council. We hold our meetings online, our minutes are accessible, we continuously broadcast round tables, discussions and discussions. We have made very serious efforts in terms of media literacy - this is what the chairman of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) Sonia Momchilova said in the BNT studio.

"I hear that there is a proposal to increase the members of the CEM from 5 to 7. I hear of a 9 month effort to replace me as chairman of the CEM. I am used to being in parliament unprecedentedly often. Criticisms are directed at the SEM by deputies, by the former Prime Minister Denkov. A single sentence came out of my hearing regarding the Electronic Media Council's report on the media, and it was 100 percent misinformation. It read: "The Chairman of the SEM announced the removal of gambling advertising from 5 to 6 p.m.,", she commented.

When asked whether gambling ads in the media also feed the parties, Sonia Momchilova answered:

She emphasized that the CEM cannot prevent or affect everything that viewers and listeners see on television and hear on the radio because it operates under a very old law that is enforced by the Revenue Agency.

The Chairman of the CEM emphasized that it is difficult to resist and respect pluralism if the representatives of all parties must be satisfied. There is no recipe for achieving this goal. It will be increasingly difficult to make television that meets the requirements.