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Brutal scenes in Plovdiv: a 32-year-old man with health problems attacked a church with stones and bricks and wounded a policeman

Because of this case, the District Prosecutor's Office-Plovdiv filed four charges against the perpetrator of the hooligan acts

Май 17, 2024 14:05 113

Brutal scenes in Plovdiv: a 32-year-old man with health problems attacked a church with stones and bricks and wounded a policeman  - 1

On May 16, 2024, in Plovdiv in temple "St. prophet Elijah“ a morning liturgy was performed by a priest and attended by a group of citizens. At 8:30 a.m. S.H. entered the church. He began to behave aggressively, interrupting the service, reported

The priest managed to get him out and locked the doors of the temple to protect the laity. At that time S.H. went to the rear exterior of the church, broke the glass of one of the windows and through it threw a brick at the priest, but failed to injure him.

A panic button was activated and a report was made to the police. When the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene, S.H. failed to comply with their orders. He began to behave even more aggressively, insulting and threatening, while at the same time throwing pieces of building materials and bricks at them.

He resisted arrest and injured one of the policemen. A second team of Ministry of Interior officials has arrived. With joint efforts and protective measures in place, the police managed to detain S.H. It was established that he had a health problem that preceded the incident and was related to a previous surgical treatment.

For this reason, a medical team was called and took the perpetrator to a hospital. He received medical attention there and was admitted for treatment. S.H. is brought in as an accused person, and permanent security is provided in connection with his detention for 72 hours.

Because of this case, the Plovdiv District Prosecutor's Office brought four charges against the perpetrator of the hooligan acts. The first is that on 16.05.2024 in Plovdiv he damaged a religious temple "St. Prophet Elijah“ in Plovdiv – crime under Art. 164 para. 2 of the Criminal Code.

The second is that, on the same date and place, he prevented citizens from freely performing their religious rites and services in the same temple by force and threat – crime under Art. 165 par. 1 of the Criminal Code.

The third is that on 16.05.2024 in Plovdiv he caused minor bodily harm to a police officer during and on the occasion of the performance of his duty and the act was committed for hooligan motives – crime under Art. 131 par. 2 item 4 cl. with para. 1 item 12 of the Criminal Code.

The fourth is that on 16.05.2024 in Plovdiv he committed obscene acts, grossly violating public order and expressing clear disrespect for society, and the act was accompanied by resistance against a body of authority performing duties to protect public order - a crime according to Art. 325 par. 2 cf. with para. 1 of the Criminal Code..