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The Metropolitan Municipality stopped the insane demolition of a building, endangering the lives of passers-by

Safety gaps were found and orders were issued, a meeting was also organized with the investor and the company that is demolishing the building, said the mayor of the "Vazrazhdane" region

Май 22, 2024 07:47 87

The Metropolitan Municipality stopped the insane demolition of a building, endangering the lives of passers-by  - 1

Dangerous construction starts in the center of the capital. Workers are demolishing an old building near a capital mall and next to a public transport stop, and according to eyewitnesses, the site is not sufficiently secured, bTV reported.

During the demolition activity, part of it falls on the sidewalk where pedestrians cross. Videos taken by citizens show several people nearly being hit by falling debris.

„They started demolishing the building on April 13 without a completed Health and Safety Plan. After seeing it, I alerted the Metropolitan Inspectorate, the "Vazrazhdane" district, I called 112. They came, found that the PBZ had not been fulfilled and stopped the construction for several days, commented Dilyan Bilyanov, author of one of the recordings .

"Then they made the PBZ and protected it with some plywood. They started to demolish without closing the lanes of either "Stamboliyski" or "Opolchesnka", he added.

The man was an eyewitness to how large pieces of the building fell next to a woman.

„I don't think it's right for two public transport stops to happen like this. "Someone didn't do their job to secure the lane for the cars and demolish the building in one hour," he also pointed out.

A house manager of a neighboring residential building indicates that bricks and debris are falling on her terraces.

„My child and my wife pass right by. We are worried about people's lives”, he pointed out.

The mayor of the "Vazrazhdane" district Stanislav Iliev pointed out that the building being demolished is located just a few meters from the regional administration and this gives them the opportunity for daily control.

Safety gaps were identified and prescriptions were issued. And at the moment, the demolition of the building has been stopped. A meeting was also organized with the investor and the form that is demolishing the building. Assurances have been given that the process will be safe.

Additional scaffolding is expected to be erected as well as netting.

There is also a prepared protocol according to which sanctions will be issued.