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Kornelia Ninova: We will not allow soldiers to be sent to Ukraine. We have already brought such a decision to the parliament

The joint management of BSP with PP and DB was not an assembly, but a majority and a government with a clear program, agreement and division of responsibilities, said the BSP leader

Jun 5, 2024 09:42 225

Kornelia Ninova: We will not allow soldiers to be sent to Ukraine. We have already brought such a decision to the parliament  - 1

„At our meetings, people put the most many questions about the war and fears about the war are growing throughout the country. Therefore, we proposed that the National Assembly make a decision - Bulgaria will not send soldiers to Ukraine and will not allow Western weapons to be used against Russia. We have submitted it as a solution. This will be the first thing we will do on the first day of the new 50th National Assembly. And we will be a guarantor for the people that we will not allow Bulgaria to be drawn into a war.

This was stated by the BSP leader Cornelia Ninova in the program “Face to Face” on bTV. She pointed out that voices of reason are already being heard from Europe, such as Italy, who say they will not send troops and do not allow Western weapons to be used on Russian territory.

„For us, morality and dignity in politics are leading. We remained the only ones who protect these values, because during all the years we did not participate in assemblies, agreements and behind the scenes. And what we promised the people before the elections, during the administration we fulfilled it – the strong social program, free kindergartens and textbooks, an increase in pensions, maternity benefits and the minimum wage.“

In her words, people are tired of elections and prefer to have stability and security, not another election. They are frustrated by the lack of morality in politics and by being misled that change will happen.

According to Ninova, Bulgaria's position at the UN regarding Srebrenica should not be changed at the last minute, especially by an official cabinet that should simply make elections.

„Glavchev has to answer only one question – who made it Because he doesn't have the courage to make this decision on his own. Someone made it, it just has to say who – is it Borisov, because he only listens to him”, the BSP leader pointed out.

Cornelia Ninova explained that the socialists did not attend the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, as the items proposed by them not to send soldiers to Ukraine and not to use Western weapons on the territory of Russia were not included in the agenda .

For Ninova, the way out of the political crisis is an expert supra-party government - without politicians and party leaders, with a program, with a deadline and with full control by the parliament.

„If they start assembling parties again, we will enter a political crisis again. We will not enter coalitions. A red line for us is the “GERB“ and Borisov. The return of Borisov as prime minister is the worst option for Bulgaria.

This means going back again to the last places in everything and to the first in terms of corruption, mortality, and demographic catastrophe,”, commented Ninova.

She emphasized that the joint management of the BSP with PP and DB was not an assembly, but a majority and a government with a clear program, agreement and division of responsibilities.

„I, as Minister of Economy, am responsible and proud that Bulgaria was in first place in terms of industrial production in Europe. BSP is responsible for the social ministry – BGN 22 billion reached the people in the biggest crisis. And now – 9 months of arguing about which minister belongs to whom, where he negotiated it – in monasteries, in offices, in the lap“, pointed out Ninova.

She commented that she did not read anything new in the DANS report for 2023. “There are findings that there are many hospitals in the big cities and incorrect distribution in the country. Good, but findings alone are not enough. Why are there no measures? For example – we propose not to reveal more private hospitals until a Health Card is made for the whole country. Why didn't they support us in the parliament – because there are many lobbying interests. It is established that there are no pharmacies in the country. Why are our suggestions not accepted when we give solutions? There was a forest mafia and the forest was being cut down – fact. When we proposed that only state-owned enterprises could cut, it was rejected again, he also commented
the leader of the BSP.

Ninova raised the issue of corruption. “Fandikova and Borisov to explain to the people in “Lyulin” why don't they have a place to park and fight for parking spaces, while some 170 people park everywhere with cards issued by them without money. We want these privileged people to be announced by name. Why do they all pay, but these God-chosen ones don't? If they are candidates in a leadership area, they should go to the streets to explain, but not with 7 security guards in jeeps – but to walk like me and to
answers people's questions”, she was emphatic.

According to her, the lack of justice in any respect disappoints people the most.

„For example, in the distribution of income – extremely poor, over 500,000 below the poverty line, and the other day they announced 900 new millionaires in Bulgaria. This indicates an opening of the scissors of inequalities. In healthcare – there are 40-50 hospitals in Sofia, between Pavlikeni and Suhindol – there is one team in 26 settlements, the same is true in Svetovrachane and Voinyagovtsi. This division and these two worlds in which we live can be seen in every sphere. Our struggle is to restore justice," Cornelia Ninova pointed out.

In closing, she addressed the voters: “We did not lie to you. We've always been true to you, we didn't get together behind the scenes. We did everything we could for you when we were in charge. Support us with #24 for “BSP for Bulgaria”.