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Elena Poptodorova on the "Srebrenica" case: Hello, Vucic! Done bro, done. Do you understand what Vucic reported!

The instructions of acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dimitar Glavchev to vote "abstain" at the UN were not his, said the vice-president of the Atlantic Club and former ambassador of Bulgaria to the USA

Jun 5, 2024 11:34 490

Elena Poptodorova on the "Srebrenica" case: Hello, Vucic! Done bro, done. Do you understand what Vucic reported!  - 1

Alexander Vucic spoke with a politician in Bulgaria and received guarantees that the country will change its position on the Srebrenica resolution. The Serbian president alluded to this in his speech, but did not mention a name. "I was hoping for a surprise from Bulgaria. Five minutes before the meeting, I was convinced that Bulgaria would vote "abstain," said Vucic.

According to Elena Poptodorova, the instructions of acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dimitar Glavchev to vote with “abstained” they are not his. At the same time, from the letter sent to the Bulgarian representative at the UN, it is clear that “this text has not been agreed with anyone, there is not a single professional sign.

„Glavchev would not have been able to judge by himself in the case of the UN vote, which is very complicated. I.e. this was ordered, suggested, Poptodorova told "Free Europe".

In her words, “it would be proper to have a reaction” of Vucic's speech. “A country has the right to summon the ambassador and demand an explanation of who President Vucic is referring to - with which of the political leaders he reached such an agreement - and this would be the behavior of a country with dignity”. So far, there has been no such reaction from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry.

„Don't you understand what face the president of Serbia is drawing on Bulgaria: Hello, Vucic! Done bro, done. Do you understand what Vucic reported!“, said Poptodorova.

In her words, “the denunciation became exactly edifying. It was an edifying act against Bulgaria and no one should think anything less and weaker than that.