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Municipal councilors in Sofia admitted that there is no money for higher salaries in healthcare and education, but also for money for repairs

No new trams and buses will be bought

Jun 13, 2024 13:26 70

Municipal councilors in Sofia admitted that there is no money for higher salaries in healthcare and education, but also for money for repairs  - 1

The Sofia Municipal Council (SOS) postponed the point for consideration of the partial update of the budget - the increase in the salaries of medical staff in education, but also the funds for current repairs in the capital, as well as the money for the renovation of transport in the city.

The municipal councilors voted with 25 votes "for", 20 votes "against". and 4 votes "abstained". Even with the re-voting, the point for the partial budget update to be considered during today's meeting of the city parliament again did not pass - 29 people voted "For", 22 votes "against". and 4 votes "abstained".

The agenda included an item in which BGN 17 million had to be voted on for the salaries of medical staff in education and BGN 5.6 million for current repairs, but they did not meet the support of the municipal councilors. It remains to look at the point of additional loan funds for cars and electric transport, but without looking at the budget, the report remains meaningless.

Anton Hekimyan pointed out that PP-DB-Save Sofia are justifying themselves to the Ministry of Finance for not giving money to the medical workers in the children's facilities. Did we tell you that Asen Vassilev won't give you the money, Hekimyan criticized PP-DB-Save Sofia.

Municipal councilor from VMRO Carlos Contrera supports Vuchev's proposal to postpone the item on the budget update for medical staff salaries. The reason - before looking at an update of the budget, the problems related to the financing of transport must be discussed.

Vanya Grigorova from BSP-Sofia also supports the postponement of the report on the partial budget update from the agenda of the municipal council. Changes are not made on the spur of the moment, Grigorova pointed out.

The chairman of the BSP group in SOS also indicated that there is no information about what is happening with the Capital Program. Today there is a report on changes in Sofia's budget, but again this report was not consulted with the "BSP for Bulgaria", Takov also said. There are good things in this report – raising the funds of the nurses, which we hold dear, Takov pointed out and added that it was again done without the consent of the BSP group and they are in a position whether not to support it.

The report on the modernization of urban transport is a key investment program that begins as early as 2023, and various parts of the report are supported by several groups, explained VMRO municipal councilor Carlos Contrera. He pointed out that the mayor of Sofia should answer the question of what we do with the damaged vehicles from the city transport, said Contrera. He added that they read a letter in the transport committee, which states that for the first four months, the mileage of public transport in Sofia was over 300,000 km.

Municipal councilor from PP-DB-Spasi Sofia Andrey Zografski made a counter-proposal and insisted that the budget be updated. The update reflects policies that all councilors agree on. The state promised an aid, which, however, the Metropolitan Municipality did not receive. For what purpose would we postpone the updating of the budget, given that it solves two problems - in the field of urban transport by clearing old debts and a promise to increase the salaries of medical staff in education, commented Zografski.

Ivan Vasilev, deputy mayor for financial affairs, added that in recent years narrow party interests and economic interests have been prioritized over solving people's problems. He called for the substance of the report to be looked at and why money should not be given to transport companies, money for ongoing repairs and funds for medical officers in education.