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At the height of the heat, "Sofia Voda" leaves a large elite metropolitan district dry all day

The water company was about to change shut-off valves again. This comes weeks after their previous replacement

Jun 18, 2024 09:46 135

In the midst of the heat "Sofia Voda" leaves a large elite metropolitan area dry all day. The water company was about to replace shut-off valves again. This comes weeks after a previous replacement of shut-off valves in "Mladost" 3, FACTS readers recall. For a month, they shut off the water in the neighborhood with the explanation that the installation of shut-off faucets will ensure better management of the water supply network, limiting as much as possible the areas of possible future violations of the water supply. For years, in the event of an accident or the replacement of a shut-off valve, the entire "Mladost" neighborhood has been left dry. 3.

On June 19 (Wednesday) 2024, in connection with the replacement of shut-off valves in the railway station. “Youth“ 3, it is necessary to stop the water supply from 10:00 to 22:00 to the customers of “Sofia Water” in the area between: “Alexander Malinov“ Blvd., “Andrei Lyapchev“ Blvd., “Zhecho Gyumyushev“ and St. Transfiguration St. This is clear from an official announcement of “Sofia Water“.

If the duration of the construction and repair activities exceeds 12 hours, “Sofia water“ will provide an alternative water supply with a water carrier at the following address: “Zecho Gyumyushev“ at the intersection with “Sveto Preobrazhenie“ street.

Repair activities will ensure better management of the water supply network, limiting as much as possible the areas of possible future violations of the water supply.

Those affected by the water interruption can get more information from the Telephone Center of “Sofia Voda” JSC on phone 0800 121 21 or to follow the development of all ongoing field activities in real time via The company's virtual information center.

„Sofia Water“ AD apologizes in advance to its customers for the temporary inconvenience caused!

The company's website gives customers the opportunity to subscribe to notifications of water interruptions. They can personally receive information about planned shutdowns on their e-mail. Another way is to take advantage of the free SMS notification service.