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Yordanov: If common sense does not prevail in this parliament, then we will again go through the purgatory of elections

No one can issue ultimatums, because no party has the necessary 121 votes to dominate or issue ultimatums. Common sense says that when there is no governance, the state is also missing, added the MP from ITN

Jun 19, 2024 10:40 110

Yordanov: If common sense does not prevail in this parliament, then we will again go through the purgatory of elections - 1

A while ago, all of us in this hall took an oath to be guided by the interests of the Bulgarian people. Most of you were in the 49th National Assembly and violated it repeatedly. They trampled on the laws as they pleased and were guided only by their own party interests. The Bulgarian people came out right, because the incompetent actions and even greater inactions made people feel shame and disgust. This was stated from the parliamentary rostrum by Toshko Yordanov from “There is such a people” (ITN) in front of the newly elected 240 deputies at the ceremonial opening of the 50th National Assembly, quoted by

Yordanov pointed out that it is becoming an increasingly difficult task to return sanity where it “is almost gone”.

Common sense was shown by the election results – no one can be a sole savior and solve society's problems. No one can issue ultimatums because no party has the necessary 121 votes to dominate or issue ultimatums. Common sense says that when there is no governance, the state is also missing, added the MP from ITN.

According to him, management based on “assemblies” does not lead to anything good.
“There are real problems ahead of us – the high prices of food, electricity and medicine; the risk of tens of thousands of Bulgarian families from the thermal power plants losing their jobs because of some green ideology; demographic problems; problems in education... All these problems have real solutions. This can be solved by an expert government, which is not dominated by a party, but by professionalism”, explained Toshko Yordanov.

In his words, if common sense does not prevail in this parliament as well, then we will again go through the “purgatory of elections” until there are people who know what a representative means.< /p>

It is time to bring common sense back to politics and state governance. Hopefully this time we will fulfill the oath we took, Toshko Yordanov concluded his declaration.