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Contrera: Terziev allowed perverts on Cherry Stew to mess with the ancestral memory of Bulgaria

After they stole the children's rainbow, now they will also mess with our folk customs

Jun 20, 2024 12:41 117

Contrera: Terziev allowed perverts on Cherry Stew to mess with the ancestral memory of Bulgaria  - 1

Terziev allowed perverts on Chereshova Stew to mess with the ancestral memory of Bulgaria! Not a gay parade, psychiatry is needed for such people! Full support for March for the Family!

With these words, the vice-chairman of VMRO and municipal councilor in Sofia, Carlos Contrera, is outraged by another demonstration of disrespect for public opinion, the traditions and customs of the Bulgarian people by the “changers” and “saving“ Sofia in the person of the mayor Vasil Terziev and company.

The reason for his sharp reaction is the permission to hold the scandalous demonstration of “diversity”, called “Sofia Pride”, of the biggest stew – Chereshova.

The Metropolitan Municipality allowed Chereshova Dudushnitsa “Sofia Pride” to occupy the entire center of Sofia. On a day like this, when there should be humility and respect for the deceased, several NGOs, groups of perverted and perverted people will convince us that the problem of the problems in Bulgaria is that two men or two women could not marry. All this will be garnished with kitsch, a group of transvestites with sequins, a large amount of onlookers for whom the gay parade is a show, etc., Contrera is outraged.

The second reason for an angry protest by VMRO is the cynical leitmotif of this year's vanity fair of the LGBTI+ community, namely patriotism and folk traditions.

To make the perversion even greater, this year's gay parade comes out with the leitmotif of what kind of patriots they were, how much they loved the Motherland, and for this purpose some of those who cannot decide which gender they are, will appear in folk costumes. A perversion, especially against the background of the fact that fans of the gay parade regularly ridicule the choir in front of the National Theater, publicly say how the costume was outrageous, and who does not support their antics is a retrograde guy who beat his wife. Having stolen the children's rainbow, they will now make fun of our folk customs. Naturally, in order to justify their own perversion, the vice-president of VMRO is outraged.

Not a gay parade, psychiatry is needed for such people!

On June 22nd I will go to the March for the Family so that the colorful genders can see that there is a counterpoint to their pathological insanity. What's more - to see that there are not a few of us in Bulgarian society who think that in our daily life we should adhere to our national and Christian traditions. And above all, I will go because I don't want my daughter to live in a perverted, gendered country after a while, Carlos Contrera concludes his post on Facebook.