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Gabriel Valkov: The page "Cornelia Ninova" has been closed in the BSP

The party needs new faces and new policies

Jun 20, 2024 11:32 85

The page "Cornelia Ninova" is closed in the BSP and the processes of electing chairmen at both the local and national levels for a new leader of the party have already begun. This type of dictatorship BSP, as a democratic party, does not accept and because of this there were many splits in the party and until this result of 150,000 votes.“

This was stated by the chairman of the Youth Union in the BSP, Gabriel Valkov, in the program “Delnitsi” of Eurocom.

In his words, one of the main reasons for the bad results of the Socialists in the elections is the internal division in the party created by Ninova.

„Due to the fact that she was elected in a direct election, she began to impose more than other leaders have allowed themselves to do so far. BSP, as a democratic party, does not accept this type of dictatorship, and because of this, there were many splits in the party, even to this result of 150,000 votes, Valkov explained.

According to him, the former leader of the party did not allow young people to key positions in the BSP, because she felt they were competition and the voice of the young was heavily muffled.

„When we unfurled the banners with the demand for the resignation of Cornelia Ninova, we received dozens of congratulations from people from the party leadership, from the regional chairmen and from the youth from all over the country. This position of ours was accepted by the National Council of the Youth Union in BSP with complete unanimity – thousands of young socialists from all over the country demanded that the party take a different path, the youth leader said.

Gabriel Valkov did not agree with Ninova's claim that certain circles in the BSP “took the party away” from her.

„First of all, the party is not hers. It is as much hers as it is mine and any other socialist's. Second, I, as a BSP member, do not see these circles she is talking about. I saw a circle – of Cornelia Ninova and the leadership around her, who crushed everyone else. And this can be seen with the many expelled members and collapsed organizations, he added.

And he added: “If she had cleaned the party of all these oligarchs and dark circles that she describes, now we would certainly be the first political force, but we have 7% support. This means that society does not appreciate her actions as positive.“

According to Valkov, the power in the party is currently returning to the collective bodies, and this was seen at the last meeting of the National Council, where there has not been such a lively debate for a long time.

In the words of the chairman of the MoD, the new left, first of all, must be with new people who go hand in hand with new policies.

„That is precisely why we, as a youth organization, are working on a new left platform of the BSP. We have offered some of the policies we are developing to Ninova, but she has not accepted them, Valkov pointed out.

The young socialist also commented on the topic with Kaloyan Metodiev, who was excluded from the parliamentary group of the “BSP for Bulgaria”: “For us, it is unacceptable for a person who was the chairman of the youth SDS to be a deputy of the BSP. Especially when it was personally launched by Cornelia Ninova and was not approved by the structures and organs of the party.“

He also explained how it came about that Metodiev became a member of parliament: “Ninova preferred to become an MP from Blagoevgrad, where in second place was a young girl, former chairman of the youth organization in Gotse Delchev, who collected 1,800 preferences . And yet, Kornelia Ninova preferred the youth SDS over the youth BSP, instead of the youth BSP, she chose the youth SDS, stopping the young girl from running for parliament, at the expense of Kaloyan Metodiev.“

Valkov recalled that the decision to exclude Metodiev from the parliamentary group was made unanimously by the National Council of the BSP. According to him, there should be no “God-anointed” and when Ninova and other 8 MPs do not comply with the collective decision, party penalties should be imposed on them.

„I do not support exclusions, because the BSP should unite and collect. Whether there will be punishments and what they will be will be decided by the National Council of the party, he commented.

„For me, Cornelia Ninova has no right to run again for the chairman of the BSP - because of morals and because of her two mandates at the head of the party”, commented Gabriel Valkov.