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VAS ruled: Vasil Terziev's decision on Popa and the "Patriarch" is illegal. The municipality should return the old traffic to the area!

The Mayor of Sofia defended the ideas of Boris Bonev for the bicycle lanes, which cost the capital budget for the square around the National Palace of Culture nearly BGN 1 million

Jun 20, 2024 13:20 80

The Sofia Municipality should stop the new organization of traffic on Vitosha Blvd., Blvd. "Patriarch Euthymius" and St. "Prof. Fritjof Nansen". There is no legal norm or administrative act on the basis of which the actual actions are carried out. The validity period of the General Plan of the Metropolitan Municipality has expired, therefore there is no active plan.

This was finally decided by the Supreme Administrative Court.

The SAC upheld an order of the Sofia City Administrative Court, which states that the actions carried out by officials from the Sofia Municipality, ordered by the Deputy Mayor for Transport Iliyan Pavlov, upon the introduction of a new permanent organization of traffic in Sofia along "Vitosha" Blvd., "Patriarch Evtimiy" Blvd. and St. "Prof. Fritjof Nansen", by drawing new road markings, placing road signs, barriers, etc.

There is no legal norm or administrative act on the basis of which the actual actions are carried out, which is why they are devoid of grounds and the court correctly ordered their termination, the supreme magistrates note in their reasons.

The SAC notes that at the time of the actual actions under the new traffic organization, the validity period of the General Plan of the Metropolitan Municipality has expired, therefore there is no effective plan.

The judicial panel found and accepted that the requirements for organizing traffic on the roads open to public use were not met, namely that a coordination procedure was not carried out on the preliminary draft of the General Plan for the organization of traffic /GPOD/, listed in nine points. The requirement under para. is also not met. 2 - the final draft of the plan must be approved by the municipal council on the proposal of the mayor, accompanied by the ECUT protocol for acceptance of the final draft.

Changes in the organization of traffic in the center of Sofia were introduced during the Easter holidays. They were followed by days of protests at the intersection of "Patriarch Euthymius" blvd. and "Fritjof Nansen" street, to those living there and owners and users of commercial establishments in the area, BTA reminds. On May 10, an extraordinary meeting of the permanent committee on transport of the Capital Municipality followed. Days after the meeting of the commission, the Sofia City Administrative Court ruled against the introduction of the new traffic organization around the National Palace of Culture.

This did not prevent the mayor of Sofia from defending Boris Bonev's ideas about the bike lanes, which cost the capital budget nearly BGN 1 million for the square around the NDK.