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The head of the Kozloduy NPP admitted to the leak: It was human error, the employee has been suspended

According to him, there is no danger to the population

Jun 25, 2024 19:08 219

The head of the Kozloduy NPP admitted to the leak: It was human error, the employee has been suspended  - 1

This happened during the shutdown of the 6th unit, because we have a defect in the third steam generator, the studies they tell us that we have a problem section and there are cracks in the pipes and water starts to flow from the first to the second circuit. During the shutdown of the 6th block last week, a human error occurred, not on the scale that Prof. Kaschiev says. Scales are about 8cc, volume not estimated. The one who made the mistake is suspended from work. This was stated by the executive director of the Kozloduy NPP. Valentin Nikolov in the show "Face to Face" on BTV.

In his words, there is no danger for the population. It is in the thermozone, it is calculated for severe accidents. Everything is cleaned. It fell on the thermal insulation, it was replaced. The steam generator has special coverage for such accidents. This is not the first accident in which there has been a leak of radioactive water. We have a list of events that we must report to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA). This event is not on this list, but we have notified them anyway. There is no way there could be leakage into the environment, Nikolov was categorical.

„To come out and say these things, you have to aim for something”, thinks the head of the Kozloduy NPP.

„This does not motivate the team, it stresses them out. Stopping a block monitors all processes. It's not that easy to click a button and everything stops. This process takes 2-3 days”, he explained.

So far, we have not been refused help from Russian specialists, but it can be seen that there is a cooling off. We terminated the nuclear fuel supply contract. There is no need to replace anything at the moment, although the steam generator is giving defects, it is very far from the design readiness to stop on blockage.

„The central works at 100%, works perfectly. Two systems are currently in operation – Russian and American. Both give all the data that it is normal,”, Nikolov emphasized.

He also stated that American fuel is not more expensive than Russian fuel.