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National Assembly will listen to Glavchev regarding dismissals and appointments in DANS

At the proposal of the parliamentary group of "Continuing the change - Democratic Bulgaria", the chairman of DANS Plamen Tonchev is also expected to be heard regarding received complaints

Jun 25, 2024 22:51 132

National Assembly will listen to Glavchev regarding dismissals and appointments in DANS  - 1

Parliament will listen to acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev regarding dismissals and appointments in the State Agency “National Security” (DANS), State Commission on Information Security, State Agency “Technical Operations“ and State Agency “Intelligence”. This is provided for in point two of the draft work program of the parliament, published on the institution's website. The request for a hearing was submitted by Atanas Atanasov and a group of people's representatives from “We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria“ (PP-DB).

Item one of the draft work program of the National Assembly foresees the voting of the resignation of the People's Representative from the DPS Filiz Huysmenova.

At the suggestion of the parliamentary group of “We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria“ the chairman of DANS, Plamen Tonchev, is also expected to be heard regarding complaints filed against members of the Public Council for the construction of a National Children's Hospital and against the team of the “Danaya“ Foundation, from the “Trade League - Global Pharmacy Center” AD in connection with their postponed investment intention to create a multi-specialty hospital "Mom and I".

In the draft agenda for the work of the deputies, on the proposal of the deputy chairman of the PG of the DPS Hamid Hamid, Brigadier General Venelin Venev - director of the “Military Intelligence” Office is expected to be heard. to the Ministry of Defense regarding published information in the media about the recruitment of spies from the “Military Intelligence” in the “Largoto“ in the center of Sofia, by the National Security Adviser of the Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov – Vesselin Markov, by order and at the initiative of Gen. Atanas Atanasov with a proposal for a career promotion of intelligence officers in the service against personal loyalty in favor of Gen. Atanas Atanasov.

As the first item on Thursday, the MPs are expected to listen to the Acting Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova regarding the implementation of the revenue and expenditure part, according to the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2024, including the implementation of the revenues and expenses under the operational programs of the European Union, as well as the progress on the negotiation process for the admission of Bulgaria to the Eurozone.

At the suggestion of Stoyan Taslakov from “Vazrazhdane“ as the first point of the draft program for Friday, a hearing of the Acting Minister of Energy Vladimir Malinov regarding all the facts and circumstances related to the negotiations on the sale of the equipment intended for the “Belene” NPP project is scheduled.

In the draft agenda with a request submitted by people's representatives from GERB-SDS, the acting Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Violeta Koritarova, and the Chairman of the Management Board of the “Road Infrastructure” Agency are expected to be heard. on the progress of the construction of the Vidin expressway – Botevgrad. It is expected that the acting minister Koritarova will also be heard about the progress in the implementation of the Investment Program for municipal projects, included in an annex to the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2024.