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Former NSC director on Brendo:

Better a terrible end than no end of horror

Jun 26, 2024 09:09 140

Former NSC director on Brendo:  - 1

To me, there can only be one reason why Brendo surrendered. People have said "better a terrible end than no end horror". The most normal thing is, when you have convictions, to serve your punishment.

It stated in "The Day Begins" according to BNT Boyko Naydenov - former director of the National Investigation Service.

In his words, hiding for life is not an option. "Brendo was one of many people who were mainly investigated for money laundering. It has been proven that money was transferred that was acquired illegally. After that, the necessary evidence was collected and he was handed over to the court," he said.

"The investigation started from a slip that we received from a British bank for cash money brought in and then transferred to Sofia in his name by his wife. At the time, we were really creating the way financial crimes were investigated. We managed to collect quality documents that were able to withstand the Court for transfers of money acquired in an illegal way," Naydenov added.

Part of this money was invested in properties in Sofia and along the Bulgarian Black Sea

. The sentence awaiting Brendo will actually be around 7 years, or even less, the former director of the National Investigation Service pointed out.