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The former head of the 6th Directorate of the DS: Colleagues have gone too far with Etienne Levy

I never wanted to cross myself. Levy is one of the oldest biblical names

Jun 26, 2024 11:34 111

The former head of the 6th Directorate of the DS: Colleagues have gone too far with Etienne Levy  - 1

"I tend to believe Etienne Levy is not a State Security agent. And he was hardly aware of exactly what was happening. And because they have a plan from the Sofia city government, which is further away from the center, and apparently people have overdone it. I know one Rumen Nikolov, he was a young boy then, people just got tense, normal."

This was said with a smile by the head of the Sixth Directorate of the DS - Dimitar Ivanov, regarding the information about the recruitment of Etienne Levi, who is already a deputy from the "Greatness" party, as an agent.

"I categorically refused to become an informer! Recruitment efforts began while I was still in the barracks. Then the military asked me several times about my relatives in Israel and West Germany. "I told the whole story more than once," Etienne shared. He was announced by the Dossier Commission as an associate of the DS.

"Everyone has already understood that I am not part of the DS. I told the man who wanted to recruit me: "I will not betray my lineage. I don't become an informer and that's it," the musician says.

The incident with the state's secret power did not worry the famous musician much, as he had nothing to fear, according to him. Another case is one that he still remembers with horror.

"I have a moment when God saved me. Me and four people. It was such a powerful incident years ago when I was young that even now I get goosebumps telling you about it. We played with a band in the motel restaurant in Pravets, which is no longer there, and next to it was Shatrata. Then there was no highway and we traveled on the old road. Next to it, they had started work on the "Bebresh" dam, they were digging there.

The road was small, it was difficult for a car and a bus to pass each other. We finished one night's work and went to a party in Sofia, we then slept in a kind of bungalow in Pravets. The car was driven by one of my classmates - Sasho Tubata, who is no longer alive because he committed suicide in those troubled times. He was still a young driver, and my other friend, who had been driving for years, had drunk brandy and sat next to him. It was raining like a bucket.

At one point, the car apparently skidded or our driver was blinded by the headlights of the oncoming cars, so we swerved so hard that he slammed on the brakes and the car barely stopped. We were all trembling with fear. I decided to go down to get some air and I felt my foot go down and I saw that we were 30-40 cm from a precipice.

I shout:

"Careful, one slip and we are here". We all got out slowly and were calming down quite a bit. Then I don't know with what strength we got back inside and went home to Sofia. Only one of the colleagues - on the drums, had a premonition that something would happen, and stayed in Pravets, shouting: "Ah, with this bad weather, something should happen."

But it is. After this incident, I believe that the power of God saved us - me and all the people in the car. I don't think if there were other cars coming from the other direction at the moment. They wouldn't have been able to gather us in the abyss below," said the singer, who defines himself not as religious, but as a believer.

"Because religion is invented by people. And there is nothing scarier than religious wars. That's why I don't believe in her", shared Etienne, who also believes in collective destiny, or the so-called karma.

"I also believe in Vanga's prophecies, for example. I don't know if I've told, but my mother could have been saved years ago, there was hope. Grandma Vanga wanted me to bring her water and earth from the Holy Sepulchre. I wanted to give them to her through Shkumba, but I never went. Many years ago, a close friend of my family, a priest, went to Vanga and brought her a piece of sugar on which my mother slept when she was sick with leukemia. When the prophetess took the lump, she said:

"Go back to Sofia immediately and tell Kincheto's parents, that's what mom was called, to take her out of the cancer hospital and start drinking the little one's urine, i.e. mine". Then grandma went to the oncology doctors. However, they explained to her that if the group takes mom, they must sign that the medical staff will not be held responsible. Grandma refused and my mother stayed in the hospital. He died shortly after. But I have always felt her absence", says one of the best Bulgarian performers.

Etienne was raised by women from a young age and says that in the difficulties and life lessons he went through, he only learned, he did not regret anything that happened to him.

"I never wanted to cross myself. Levi is one of the oldest biblical names. But my friends called me Suti, which comes from "bra" - They called me Etienne-bra. I grew up around women - my grandmother, my aunts, so I was never bothered by the female anatomy. So I like the nickname. What normal man would be ashamed of something related to the most beautiful part of the female body, something that protects the breasts, like the bra", Etienne shares with a smile and specifies:

"Let me tell you, I could write a book with all the events of my life. My journey from cleaning the streets, to landscaping, to carrying furniture, to general hard physical labor to Andy Webber's musical in Israel, which I was cast in, was a very long one. I went there at the age of 33, not in my prime. I've been through all sorts of things. My mother died of leukemia, as I have already shared, at school I was called "chifut" and "nasty Jew", but I have never had occasion to be ashamed of my name. My great-grandfather was the chairman of the Jews in Basel. My father is one of the pioneers of Bulgarian popular music, he is the creator of the first quartet "Leslie". in 1946. My mother discovered my father's talent and helped a lot to create the second quartet "Allegro" with Lea Ivanova and Irina Chmikhova. They were both musicians. I'll never forget the story and yes, I'm one lucky man, I can say that. I welcome with a smile every single day given to us by God," Etienne Levy concludes his confession, HotArena recalls.