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Pargov refuted Metodiev: I don't own a Maserati, I'm not a municipal councilor with a salary of BGN 1,000.

There is no coup against Kornelia Ninova, she resigned of her own free will, emphasized the Chairman of the Management Board of the Strategic Institute for National Policies and Ideas

Jun 26, 2024 15:11 84

Pargov refuted Metodiev: I don't own a Maserati, I'm not a municipal councilor with a salary of BGN 1,000.  - 1

< strong>Member of the National Council of the BSP and former chairman of the capital red organization Kaloyan Pargov refuted all slanders and accusations of MP Kaloyan Metodiev, elected on the list of the BSP, writes

A few days ago, on the air of BTV, Metodiev, who is the former chief of staff of Kornelia Ninova as deputy prime minister and economy minister, dropped several "bombs".

According to Metodiev, a coup was carried out against Ninova, and regarding Pargov he said: "how can the municipal councilor Pargov with a salary of BGN 1000 drive the latest model car and have a driver.

In addition, according to Metodiev, Pargov's publicist worked for Vanya Grigorova.

On Darik Radio, Kaloyan Pargov, who is also the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Strategic Institute for National Policies and Ideas, called Metodiev's accusations "insinuations, circulated lies and suggestions".

And refuted them point by point.

"I never had a "Maserati" Never!

I am not a municipal councilor with a BGN 1,000 salary. A municipal councilor can work both in the municipal sector and in the state sector.

I am currently an employee of a company, I use a company car.
I don't have a publicist, the Strategic Institute has a publicist, her name is Elka Teoharova. She has never engaged in political PR under any circumstances. She left the BSP City Council with me and participated in the creation of this non-governmental organization," said Kaloyan Pargov, who is not currently a municipal councilor.

Regarding the coup against Ninova, Pargov said: "We have submitted Ms. Ninova's resignation. Her will is to resign. An act that we greatly welcome, as it is clear that this is yet another very low ectoral bottom of the BSP. As a result, it is almost twice the number of the membership table. That is, every member with two family members voted to make this result, as we are about 70-80,000 roughly speaking in number."

According to Pargov, the division in the party, fueled by Ninova, is one of the reasons for the disastrous results of the last parliamentary elections.

"After the resignation, it is normal to convene the National Council to choose a temporary leadership. That's what happened," he explained.

What is happening in BSP is not happening for the first time, continued Pargov.

“If we look at the history of the BSP over the last 133 years, similar cases with leaders of the BSP have happened more than once - with Valko Chervenkov and Todor Zhivkov and Zhan Videnov. I know almost all the chairmen of the party in the last 30 years, and I am aware of this drama of every single chairperson, that there comes a moment when he can no longer continue to lead the party, as electoral confidence in the party collapses for some or other choices”, he recalled. According to him, "the question is how to make this transition from one leadership period to the next."

There are no “oligarchic” and “business” circles and similar claims are propaganda created by Kornelia Ninova, also commented in the program “Without Claims” Pargov.

In his words, Ninova herself introduced the term “internal opposition” to serve her leadership image.

“The word “internal opposition” was conveniently invented by Mrs. Ninova. She is just such an image and type - “it is very difficult, it is very heavy”. And from there, all kinds of circles began to develop - oligarchic, business, presidential. This is a product of propaganda that destroys the party's image and has deeply divided the party.

The BSP is a deeply divided party with many internal contradictions. As a result of this division, long-time friends within the party quarreled and could not see each other on the subject of “for” and “against” Cornelia Ninova", Pargov added.

"This is already scary and it shows quite deep furrows and divisions within the party, which were deliberately pushed because it served the leadership image of Mrs. Ninova. Yes, it has its qualities, but the problem with this style and method and the deepening of these differences and problems also led to the outflow of many people from the BSP”.

According to him, "there is hope" for BSP. "Many people who were disappointed signaled that they would return if there was some normalcy. The next chairman of the BSP must be first among equals, not unique and irreplaceable. We need to start gathering, not dividing. Let's stop sticking labels," he is categorical.
