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Political scientist: I don't think there is a party that would currently risk entering into negotiations for a second term

The chances of a first-term cabinet are diminishing. First, it can be seen that the PP-DB refuse to participate in such a majority, as well as the ITN. The second element that makes me think is that Borisov said that they will offer a fully party cabinet, which reduces the chances of support, commented Daniel Stefanov

Jun 26, 2024 15:53 73

Political scientist: I don't think there is a party that would currently risk entering into negotiations for a second term  - 1

The chances of a cabinet with a first term are decreasing. First, it can be seen that the PP-DB refuse to participate in such a majority, as well as the ITN. The second element that makes me think is that Borisov said that they will propose an all-party cabinet, which reduces the chances of support.

This was commented by political scientist Daniel Stefanov in an interview with BNR.

According to him "now it is difficult to talk about a cabinet with a second term, and the third term is more special":

"Because if some of these things that have come out like the ITN demand and position for a referendum on the EU and NATO and other things mean that there is probably already a multi-party bloc behind quite similar positions and can have a majority for a third term".

Stefanov explained that the Law on Referendums is the instrument with which several parties in the National Assembly can hold a poll on whether Bulgaria should be a member of the EU and NATO, "topics that have not been questioned so far.


"In this group I put BSP, "Revival" and "Majesty", probably also ITN".

He commented that it won't be enough, but soundings are already being made for support from the PP-DB, but "we don't know the position of the DPS".

"The final result is not so important, there is already an alternative narrative of what Bulgaria can represent. If until now the Euro-Atlantic orientation seemed unshakable, a block is already forming which is legitimizing itself and showing what it will fight for in the next elections", predicts Daniel Stefanov in the program "12+3".

And added:

"There is talk of a direct referendum on NATO, this does not mean that Bulgaria will automatically leave the two organizations, but it speaks of a change of course for Bulgaria. These several parties have opposite to the position of supporting Ukraine the mentioned topics".
According to him, the opposition seems quite unclear, because the signals from the National Assembly about instability are rather strange.

"Looking at the general plan, I don't think there is a party that would currently risk entering into negotiations for the second term. Peevski, despite his desire and ambitions, is unable to provoke protests against himself. I think that the DPS will continue to strive for participation in power, apparently with specific people, it will continue to be a main element in the Euro-Atlantic orientation of the country, but whether this will lead to governance, I cannot say", Stefanov said.

He explained that there is a lot of talk about changing the electoral system in our country and that a serious discussion is needed.

"The conversation needs to be broader. Some electoral systems create parliaments with more stable governments, other electoral systems have a higher representation of groups in society. Ours gives good representation to society. I don't know if it's a good time to reduce that representation. We are not talking about the final versions, but if you look at the 5 points of "Revival", they do not talk about leaving Bulgaria from the EU, but about renegotiation and a referendum on the euro, which will weaken Bulgaria's position in the EU, commented Daniel Stefanov.