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The ship "Struma" took part in the first activation of the Black Sea anti-mine group

It will operate in the national sea spaces of Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania

Jun 29, 2024 05:52 77

The ship "Struma" took part in the first activation of the Black Sea anti-mine group  - 1

The mine hunter "Struma"; set sail from the Naval base in Varna for Istanbul to participate in the first activation of the newly formed anti-mine group in the Black Sea between Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania, reported BNT.

The group will operate in the national maritime spaces of the three countries and perform tasks that will ensure safe and free shipping. The ships will also take part in the National Naval Exercise with international participation "Breeze 2024". So far, our military fleet has destroyed 6 drifting mines in the Black Sea.

"Until now, the efforts were of each country alone. From this moment on, we are joining our efforts and will act together to minimize this threat. For us, this is an extremely important moment, since this is the first operation in which a ship will participate in real, I would say, conditions, with a real threat. Such an operation has not been conducted since the end of the Second World War," said Rear Admiral Kiril Mihailov - the commander of the Naval Forces.