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Burgazlia shoots a driver of AM "Trakia" with a gun

The reason is detection

Jul 1, 2024 10:54 106

Burgazlia shoots a driver of AM "Trakia" with a gun  - 1

A driver shoots another driver after detecting the road. The accident happened on AM "Trakia".

This was announced by the ODMVR-Burgas.

On 30.06.2024, a Škoda car in which a family from Sliven was traveling was traveling on the Sofia-Burgas road. The vehicle was overtaken by another "Dacia" car, which suddenly entered in front of it.

The two cars stopped on the side of the road. The 34-year-old driver of the "Skoda" got down and started shouting at him and banging on the window of the car that caught him. The driver of the "Dacia" didn't open the door.

The angry man returned to his car, took a gun, fired a shot and left.

As a result of quick police action, the identity of the shooter was established. This is a 31-year-old bourgeois.

The man made a full confession and handed over a gas pistol along with a magazine and eight rounds of ammunition.

He is detained for up to 24 hours. In the case, an expedited proceeding has been initiated.