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Dimitar Avramov: Our society has indulged in hedonism

The people refuse to deal with the main issues, the political scientist believes

Jun 29, 2024 06:29 48

Dimitar Avramov: Our society has indulged in hedonism  - 1

Our society has indulged in hedonism and refuses to deal with the main issues. He said this in an interview for "Panorama" political scientist Dimitar Avramov, quoted by

"In the coming year, interesting things will happen in the Bulgarian parties - it will be seen how the chairmen can do whatever they want. "Conflicts destroy the possibility of creating a political consensus", he also commented.

According to him, people have a duty to vote and should be punished if they don't. "With exclusion from the electoral rolls, let me remind you", political scientist Tatyana Burudzhieva prompted him.

"Why go to vote when there is nothing interesting and they tell you nothing interesting? "Political parties don't know their voters", countered Avramov.

"We do not put pressure on politicians and let the political process develop naturally,", the political scientist also said.