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After the first round: Grigoriy Vrachanski and Daniil Vidinski with the most votes in the election of the new patriarch

There are four invalid ballots

Jun 30, 2024 11:05 186

After the first round: Grigoriy Vrachanski and Daniil Vidinski with the most votes in the election of the new patriarch  - 1

The first round of the election for the new patriarch of Bulgaria has ended. Grigoriy Vrachanski and Daniil Vidinski collected the most votes in the election of a new patriarch. The Metropolitan of Vidin collected 64 votes, the Vidin Metropolitan - 51, and the Lovchan Metropolitan - 19. There are four invalid ballots.

Voting ended shortly after 10:00 a.m. 138 ballots were cast. 2/3 of the votes of all 138 delegates are needed to determine the new spiritual leader in our country.

According to the Statute of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, there must be a quorum of 105 people, which was achieved. The elected patriarchal commission, which includes two clerics and two laymen.