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After the beating of a bus driver: The mayor of Karlukovo apologized for the attack

Karlukovo residents are not a gang of criminals who chase and attack people on the roads, said Mariyana Marinova

Jul 1, 2024 08:52 60

After the beating of a bus driver: The mayor of Karlukovo apologized for the attack  - 1

Karlukovo apologizes to all of Bulgaria. The mayor of the village asks for forgiveness from the relatives of the driver who was beaten because of a road accident. The man suffered serious injuries and has a broken jaw after a suicide attack by residents of Karlukovo.

„We sincerely hope that this single incident, which we all condemn, will not be repeated. Let what happened not stop the flow of tourists. We Karlukov residents are not a gang of criminals who chase and attack people on the roads. This was stated on the air of “Hello, Bulgaria” the mayor of the village Marijana Marinova.

She offered her sincere apologies to the bus driver. “First I want to apologize to the driver, his family and the tourists who were on the bus. We are not a gang of criminals who stalk tourists on the roads to beat them up, she stressed.