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Prof. Alexander Tomov: We are facing a weak government, there is nothing to be done

We are in an unprecedented political crisis, said the former deputy prime minister

Jun 29, 2024 06:29 70

Prof. Alexander Tomov: We are facing a weak government, there is nothing to be done  - 1

"We are in an unprecedented political crisis. Whatever is done, the fact that less than 30% of Bulgarians voted and the fact that the parties that will form the government will control somewhere around 10-12-15%, show that the government will be weak. Data came out today - only 9% of Bulgarians trust this 50th parliament at its start. It's unprecedented".

This was stated by Prof. Alexander Tomov in the studio of "Day ON AIR".

According to him, a large part of the problem lies in the lack of debates and election campaign before the vote.

"We were not allowed to debate. Today there was a debate between Trump and Biden. Whatever this debate is, it is open to the whole nation. 60% of Americans have watched it. There were no debates with us. Did Borisov appear at the debate, or Ninova, or Peevski, or anyone? There were no debates between leaders," Prof. Tomov told Bulgaria ON AIR.

According to him, the only option to restore people's trust in politicians is through the emergence of a new formation and noted that such a project by the president would be a difficult task.

"This task is very difficult, because in order to do and not violate the Constitution, he must leave the presidency. It is very difficult. This means to say to the trust of the people - "no", to open the way for new presidential elections. It is a very difficult decision, but theoretically it is possible", the guest thinks.

He noted that even if a regular government is formed, it will most likely not be permanent.

Prof. Tomov also commented on the June 9 elections, calling them the most corrupt elections we have had so far.

"We need to change the sectional election commissions, the Central Election Commission, the district election commissions. Everywhere there should be professionals who are heavily accountable to the law. Professionals from top to bottom, at least the cores, as in other countries - the chairman, the secretary. When you pay them decently, not 200 leva, but 1500 leva, 2000 leva, they will be in line. You should vote by mail, you should vote on the Internet, you should be able to check your vote. There are whole new sets of solutions, but no one wants to do it," commented the interlocutor.