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Conservative Jalili leads in Iran's presidential election VIDEO

8.4 million ballots have been counted so far

Jun 29, 2024 07:06 78

Conservative Jalili leads in Iran's presidential election VIDEO  - 1

Said Jalili, a conservative and representative of Iran's spiritual leader on the republic's Supreme National Security Council, currently leads the early presidential elections after 8,379,000 ballots were counted (out of a total of 61 million voters), reported the world agencies quoted by BTA, citing a spokesman for the electoral authorities of the Islamic Republic.

The spokesman said that after the counting of ballots in 23,000 out of a total of 58,000 polling stations, Jalili had 3,505,000 votes, while former health ministry head Massoud Peseshkian had 3,389,000 votes. 1,116,000 people voted for the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

Meanwhile, Iran's UN mission said last night that if Israel were to launch a "full-scale military aggression" in Lebanon, "a devastating war will follow,", Reuters reported.

In a post on the platform "X" the Iranian delegation also added that in such a case "all options, including the full participation of all resistance fronts, will be on the table".