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API transferred BGN 50 million state aid to carriers

There is a positive opinion on its provision by the European Commission for compatibility with the rules in the field of state aid

Jun 29, 2024 07:47 81

API transferred BGN 50 million state aid to carriers  - 1

Agency "Road Infrastructure“ disbursed the funds in implementation of a decision of the Council of Ministers of February 23, which decreed that transport enterprises would be assisted with up to BGN 50 million of state aid under the measure "Aid to support costs for the stabilization of the transport industry in the Republic of Bulgaria", conveyed FOCUS.

For its provision, there is a positive opinion from the European Commission on compatibility with the rules in the field of state aid. The deadline set by the commission for the payment of the funds is until June 30, 2024.

The decree of the Council of Ministers stipulates that the aid will be provided in the form of direct grants in the amount of up to BGN 4 million for transport companies that have a license to transport goods. Its size is determined on the basis of proportional distribution, using as a base the toll fees paid in 2023 by cars over 3.5 tons, the size of which is an indicator of the volume of transport carried out and serves as a basis for determining the amount of state aid .

The purpose of the provided state aid is to support the transport industry, which has suffered significant damage since 2020 from the COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine, global changes in trade routes and logistics chains, the significant increase in fuel prices and the need to reorientation of transport routes, which leads to increased operating costs for companies.

According to data from the National Statistical Institute, in the period since the beginning of the war, operating costs in the sector have increased significantly, putting serious pressure on the financial position of transport companies, threatening their ability to offer competitive prices and maintain operational efficiency.< /p>

From April 1 to 30 – the period in which carriers had to submit an application with the necessary documents for the provision of state aid, a total of 3,311 applications were received. Each one was examined by an expert committee and a check was carried out for compliance with the Internal Rules for the criteria for submission, examination, assessment and evaluation methodology of the applications for applications of transport enterprises that hold a license to transport goods for receiving grants from the state . Inquiries have also been made with the National Revenue Agency and the National Statistical Institute.