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Former MEP: That's enough. I retired

I will continue to comment on Bulgarian politics, Alexander Yordanov promised

Jul 10, 2024 13:17 91

Former MEP: That's enough. I retired  - 1

"Last working week. If you can even call it that, because I have no other job than to return the key to the office, the official laptop, as well as the special pass for the parliament. It's time for the new MEPs to start work. I signed the retirement papers. The medical office told me I was surprisingly healthy for my age. I thanked them. My treat. I also vacated the studio apartment in which I lived for nearly five years. I am now staying in a two-star hotel. What else?

This is what he says on "Facebook" Alexander Yordanov.

I hope that the new MEPs will inform you regularly over the next five years about what is happening in the European Parliament. I tried to regularly provide at least information on Facebook, both about my activities and about the most important parliamentary activities. I also published the most detailed written diaries - accounts of my work day by day in four volumes. The fifth volume is also about to be released. They include all my speeches in plenary and in committees, submitted motions for resolutions, letters to the Commission and the Council, full information on conferences organized by me and reports presented at them, my participation in mass public events, my meetings with members and sympathizers of the SDS and GERB, as well as the expressed positions on domestic and foreign political problems. I have deposited these diaries - reports in our National Library, but I am also happy to give them away to anyone who is interested in getting to know my parliamentary activities closely.

What follows from now on. And will there even be further? God's work! One thing is certain. I will continue to comment on Bulgarian politics. Take it as a self-imposed obligation. Because today's political "heroes" and their actions, need both objective assessment and well-intentioned advice. In some of them, selfishness and boasting have reached threatening proportions for our country. They lack elementary political culture and knowledge. And that's why it will be necessary to periodically tug at their ears, at least on Facebook, to bring them down to the ground, especially when they offer scams like "assembly" and "technical" governments.

I will follow the work of the European Parliament as much as I can.

Participation in politics is primarily a responsibility based on experience. And the longer this experience, the more valuable it is. I was actively involved in politics for 13 years. It's not much, although some have been left with the impression that I haven't left it for 35 years. During eight of these thirteen years, I was a national representative from Varna in three parliaments (36, 37 and 38 National Assembly) and in the Seventh Great National Assembly, in which I was elected not from a party list, but by majority. I was also chairman of the 36th National Assembly, as well as chairman of the Radical Democratic Party in Bulgaria, deputy chairman of the SDS and chairman of its parliamentary group, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Policy.

In the last five years I was a member of the European Parliament, in which I had excellent cooperation with my colleagues from the PP GERB Andrey Kovachev, Andrey Novakov, Asim Ademov, Eva Maydel and Emil Radev, for which I thank them. I established good working relations with Angel Dzambazki, Andrey Slabakov and Ilhan Kyuchyuk on important issues for Bulgaria. I have built good relations with authoritative colleagues from other countries, who have been helpful in making decisions that are good for our country. Some of them I will continue to be in touch with. This is my actual participation in politics.

For almost eight years, and more precisely in the period 1998 - 2005, I was the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of our country in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and in the Republic of North Macedonia. Information about my work as an ambassador is contained in my book "Blogo, ergo sum!"(2012). During the remaining years of the so-called transition, I worked as an associate professor at the Institute of Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where I had the honor of leading the first Bulgarian-Macedonian scientific literary project on problems of modernism in Bulgarian and Macedonian literature of the 20th century. I led the program "European values and culture" at the European Polytechnic University. The time when I was the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Century 21" is also recorded in my biography. and "Democracy".

I have published several scientific works that were positively received by the scientific literary community - "Alien Modernism" (1993), "Lonely and Dignified" (2012) - the first monograph on the life and work of Prof. Dr. Konstantin Galabov, as well as "The Unknown Alexander Karamanov" (2018) - the first edition in our country of the works of this tragically deceased young Macedonian poet with a Bulgarian national identity. Of my political books, the most sought after were and still are "Patriotic Lessons" (2019) "Inconvenient Words" (2021) and "Ukrainian Notes" (2020).

I reached retirement age a few years ago, but I still don't feel like a pensioner, even though I enjoy this privilege in public transport. Compared to the feats of being president of the United States, I'm just a youth!

I want Bulgaria to develop normally as a worthy member of the EU and NATO, and the income of Bulgarian citizens to be European. Because there can be no European citizens without European income.

I also wish today's Bulgarian politicians to wise up. But it is clearly difficult for them after they send us to parliamentary elections six times in three years. They must learn that normality in politics is a value.

I pray that the worthy Ukrainian people, with our help and God's help, will defeat the barbarians who invaded their country from the East and that Ukraine will become part of our European family. What else do I want?

Bulgaria will not become a world football champion, but I hope I will live to see our participation in a world football championship again. And let my tears then be joyful.

I am not one of those politicians (the fresh example of our until recently Prime Minister Denkov immediately comes to mind!), who are always driven by the urge to travel. I'm on my way. That's enough for me. It is best in Bulgaria, with the family.

So this is what I wanted to share today from Brussels. I will complete some last formalities these days and I am going home! Have a nice day!"