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Krum Donchev: They asked Ninova to give a power of attorney, which is only with rights, but without responsibilities

Direct your efforts to the BSP, instead of dealing with intra-party bickering and raising hands for exclusion, Donchev addressed to the temporary leadership of the BSP

Sep 4, 2024 12:20 59

Krum Donchev: They asked Ninova to give a power of attorney, which is only with rights, but without responsibilities - 1

“The entire political class in Bulgaria has lost confidence. If it is ever to be regained, the political parties must tell the people the truth. To talk about addictions in politics!”.
This was stated on the You Tube channel of Ivelin Nikolov Krum Donchev, a member of the National Assembly of the BSP, who, together with Kornelia Ninova, Ivan Chenchev and Georgi Svilenski, was expelled from the BSP on Sunday.
“New parties and coalitions appeared, which literally collapsed within months due to incompetence and unpreparedness. "Parliamentarism is a complex process that requires a serious approach and knowledge to be transformed into real actions related to the law-making of the state," comments Krum Donchev.
Later in a post on social networks, he addressed the socialists:
“We witnessed another unprecedented farce in the Bulgarian Socialist Party. Ninova, Chenchev, Svilensky and I were excluded from the ranks of the socialists without a quorum and without reasons. The National Assembly wanted Ninova to provide a power of attorney, which is only with rights, but without responsibilities, which cannot be done!”, pointed out Donchev.
Here's what else he wrote on his Facebook profile:
“What concerns me is related to my complaint in court. Yes, I let her go, as I believe that every citizen of the country has the right to an objective and independent assessment through the Bulgarian court, especially when this case concerns compliance with the statutes of our party and the dignity of every single socialist! I will not betray our rank and file.
From today we are witnessing how these same people start jumping like pallets in front of their mother, as some would take Ninova for a walk to the court, while others shut her down AGAIN!
As my friend whom I respect very much, Valentin Kardamski, says:
“Dear chaps” (only for those who raised their hands for our exclusion):
Please come to your senses and apply your strong political acumen, targeting our foreign policy opponents to help our party, not continue our intra-party bickering. This is no longer interesting to anyone!
With all my heart, I wish success for the BSP in the upcoming elections in October.