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Atanas Zafirov: Bulgaria needs an emergency government

We will not participate in pre-election pacifiers and traps, the socialist pointed out

Sep 15, 2024 14:09 95

Atanas Zafirov: Bulgaria needs an emergency government  - 1

"We categorically said that we will not participate in pre-election pacifiers and traps. But this political crisis and continuous elections show a very serious weakness in the major parties, who seem to have mastered the technology to achieve results, but when the other work needs to be done – to form a cabinet, fail. The main reason this happens is party ego. That's why we said that if we go to these elections with some preconditions – who will rule with whom and how, we will inevitably come to new".

Thus Atanas Zafirov, i.f. chairman of the BSP, commented on the words of the leader of GERB, Boyko Borisov, who sees the Centenary as a possible future partner in the management of the country and, in his words, "pragmatism in politics should prevail".

"We have fundamental differences with GERB regarding the way of management, the functioning of the state, the economic model. We are done with pre-election coalitions. We are fully focused on our messages and platforms. Everything else is a provocation. The search for post-election alliances is the next stage, which is not on the agenda at the moment", indicated the leaders of the Socialists.

The problem in the BSP has been overcome - in these elections we will be united and successful, Zafirov further explained in the program "Sunday 150".

"There was an attempted sabotage. A few people had imagined that their party was paternalistic. Of course they failed. Our registration is a fact. BSP participates in the elections in a coalition format with the name "BSP" United Left".

This legal melodrama was a storm in a teacup. In both instances, the court's decision was clear. There was a race against time, an attempt to legally block the BSP, as well as to nip the great left unity in the bud.

Zafirov also believes that "PP-DB should be more selective in the messages, as they are among the main culprits of the party system being in this state.". Zafirov defined the call of PP-DB co-chairman Asen Vassilev to the leader of GERB Boyko Borisov for the urgent adoption of the necessary anti-corruption laws so that our country can receive the money under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan (RPS) as "pre-election speech".

The BSP has been saying for many years that the country needs an emergency government with a clear horizon, a program and support in the National Assembly, Atanas Zafirov also pointed out.

"Next election would be a total collapse of the parliamentary system as we know it and we risk the birth of real monsters.

He did not want to comment on the bill of "Revival" for the foreign agents, explaining that the "final opinion" of the lawyers of the party.

"But everything that enters the National Assembly a week before the start of the election campaign has only a populist character.

"I am surprised by the short memory of the PP-DB, because they were in this shameful assembly until recently and during their administration nothing was done about PVU. I don't understand if they are waking up from a deep sleep, or if they are talking to their voters," said Zafirov.

"I am following the processes in the DPS and I hope that a solution will be found that will not in any way question the fairness of the elections and that every Bulgarian citizen will be given the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in relation to this a political force he sympathizes with".

The chairman of the BSP also noted that it is "completely within the competences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not to allow a controlled vote.

"We still don't have clear guarantees from the prime minister and we don't see any real actions either in terms of prevention or termination of electoral tourism.

Zafirov is adamant that his party lists have no place for figures who are "heavily compromised".

"The BSP is not for sale!", promised the leader of the socialists.