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They arrested the victim in the collision of a car with migrants in Sofia

"I survived by a miracle, I am currently living a second life, the victim also shared and added that the police said that the car with the migrants was driving at almost 200 km/h

Sep 18, 2024 17:52 87

They arrested the victim in the collision of a car with migrants in Sofia  - 1

Antoaneta Borisova is the driver of the car that was hit by a car with 11 migrants trying to escape from the police. The action took place in Sofia on Monday. After the accident, Borisova was arrested.

„Coming home from work on the Ring Road, I heard police sirens. The cars almost stopped, then the impact happened. I lost consciousness, I don't remember anything until I saw a policewoman next to me. She asked me if I was okay and if I wanted to call someone close. They took me to hospital where they did a scan and took blood for tests. Three hours later, the police came to give me a drug and alcohol test, which I immediately agreed to. I gave the alcohol test, then the drug test. It turned out I tested positive for opiates – I said I took a headache pill at lunch. I suggested that we also do a blood test and they took me to the VMA. I gave blood there and a little later it turned out that I was detained for 24 hours in the Fifth District, Borisova told Nova TV.

In detention, she was placed with the migrants and “the man who almost took her life”. Borisova added that this is happening against the background of the traumas she received.

„I survived by a miracle, now I live a second life”, the victim also shared and added that the police said that the car with the migrants was driving at almost 200 km/h.

Svetlana Naydenova, Antoineta's sister, shared that she learned about the accident from colleagues of the victim. She added that the protocol of the Ministry of the Interior describes in detail what happened and it is clear from it that Antoinette had not used drugs.

Lawyer Silvia Petkova described what happened to Antoinette as “arbitrary”. “One of the basic principles that must be observed in the case of detention is that of necessity. "The European Court of Human Rights very often condemns Bulgaria for such a reason," Petkova said. She added that in the case of Borisova, there are no circumstances that would require her detention.

Later, the Ministry of the Interior commented on the case for NOVA, indicating that the traffic accident was classified as serious, which required the participants to be tested for narcotic substances and alcohol. Therefore, the driver of the injured car was also charged, the authorities added.

After the data presented by the victim, an additional check was ordered regarding the legality of the actions of the law enforcement officers.