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Vasil Velev: The minimum wage should be BGN 200 lower

When asked why companies are moving out of our country, Vasil Velev answered: "Because of the bad business environment. Under the pressure of the street and the unions, and as a result of the populism that spread in the run-up to the elections, the formula for the minimum wage was set so that half the workers get the same wage

Sep 18, 2024 19:40 83

Vasil Velev: The minimum wage should be BGN 200 lower  - 1

This is recovery of part of the overtake and not per cap, not per megawatt hour (MWh). This means that at prices above BGN 180 per megawatt, the business will be reimbursed what has been exceeded, i.e. it will be deductible or there will be some kind of ceiling on the price. The bit is supplied at a price of BGN 128 per MWh, this is a regulated price. This was stated by the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria, Vasil Velev, in the show "Face to Face". on BTV.

He showed the imbalance in the price of electricity in Europe, where the region of Bulgaria has the highest. According to him, this is due to a shortage of energy in our region, as well as insufficient connectivity. “We have twice the price of France and 3-4 times higher than Northern Europe. How can we compete in this situation?”, he asked.

„When everyone is compensated in the same way, it is not state aid, because no one is in a privileged position. When the price that serves as a ceiling is well above the mix, it is not a subsidy at all. If this is not done, where possible the higher price is offset in the prices of goods and services and unleashes inflation. This is an absolutely necessary and legitimate measure, Velev believes.

The Romanian Minister of Energy said that he will ask for this money from Brussels. Why will Eastern Europe pay for the energy shortage in Ukraine? We are in solidarity, aren't we, let the whole of Europe pay, economists ask themselves.

When asked why companies are moving out of our country, Vasil Velev answered: “Because of the bad business environment. Under the pressure of the street and the unions, and as a result of the populism that spread in the run-up to the elections, the minimum wage formula was set so that half the workers received the same wage, regardless of qualifications. That's why companies are moving out of Bulgaria". According to him, the minimum wage should be BGN 200 lower. "Now we are in a situation where half of the working people receive the minimum wage. This is an abnormal situation," he explained.