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Harizanov: Borisov is the only one talking about the leadership debate, but he is alone even in GERB

According to Hampartsumyan, the political debate in Bulgaria is at the primitive level of a green euglena

Sep 21, 2024 11:01 37

Harizanov: Borisov is the only one talking about the leadership debate, but he is alone even in GERB  - 1

The two big deficits of the election campaign are the lack of policy talk and the lack of leadership debate. This was stated by the political analyst Georgi Harizanov. Together with the banker Levon Hampartzumyan, they commented on the political puzzle in our country and the upcoming elections, as well as the adoption of the euro in the NOVA studio.

„A large part of the hypotheses are aimed at preliminarily hurting certain parties and turning people against them. Leadership debate is the only solution. Its absence is a very big problem. The only one who tries to talk about it is Borisov, but he seems alone even in GERB. The debate is a chance for a person to show his good sides”, Harizanov believes.

According to Hampartsumyan, the political debate in Bulgaria is at the primitive level of a green euglena.

„Steve Hanke has a nice pension and lives in another country. He has usurped the position of “father of the Bulgarian Currency Board”, which most likely does academic work for him in his professorial affairs. But in fact the Currency Board made it Doppler with people from the Viden government, Bulgarian teams and those of the International Monetary Fund, Hampartzumyan pointed out.

„Not many boards are successful in the world. Bulgarian is one of the few that brought good results, he added.

„We often forget that we are competitors with other countries. Hanke is from a country whose interest is to have world markets dominated by the American dollar, Harizanov said. According to him, “expecting him to say something good about the euro is in the realm of good wishes” and most likely will never happen.

„It annoys me that once again someone is waving a finger at us about what a corrupt country we are. There is no politician here who even comes close to the financial success of Pelosi and her husband, he added and clarified that this does not mean that there is no corruption in Bulgaria, but this is not a reason for Hanke's comment.

„It doesn't matter what Hanke says, it matters what we see here”, Harizanov concluded.