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VMRO: We do not participate in a bought match!

Governors will not register lists! They are boycotting the elections in October

Sep 24, 2024 16:51 51

VMRO: We do not participate in a bought match!  - 1

The National Executive Committee of the PP “VMRO – Bulgarian National Movement“ made a decision in the upcoming seventh parliamentary elections in the last three years not to register lists for people's representatives.

The leaders of the party's regional and municipal structures have been notified of the decision.

The elections exhausted Bulgarian voters and did not lead to any desired change – except that people's lives became more and more difficult. Bulgarians are disgusted by the disgusting assemblies, by the absurd conjunctural changes in the Constitution in order to keep in power people whom society has hated for years. We are witnessing an unprecedented collapse of public trust in institutions and an unprecedentedly low voter turnout in our recent history. In practice, the bought and corporate vote determines the results. And when the disgusted do not vote, the disgusted rule, they are part of the reasons of the VMRO management for the decision.

The electoral process is totally compromised and we can safely say even before the campaign has started that this will be the election with the most stolen votes in favor of two or three formations. The match was bought even before it started, VMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization) points out and remind: Let's not forget what the letter “R“ in our name. Vigorous and radical action is needed.

The leadership of the party has decided to agitate to vote only by paper and to scratch all the participants in it as a sign of protest against the unprecedented political situation in the country.