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Panchugov: The focus of these elections became the battle within the DPS

With their behavior, politicians are attracting a penalty vote, Boryana Dimitrova pointed out

Sep 27, 2024 18:41 39

Panchugov: The focus of these elections became the battle within the DPS  - 1

More and more Bulgarians feel disgusted, disgusted, demotivated. Recently, we have lower and lower voter turnout, the hard cores participate, a large part of average Bulgarians feel disgusted and will not vote. Who are the parties left to turn to? To the extremely marginalized and bystanders. The dangerous phenomenon is that politicians do not turn to people who represent their interests, but to people who vote in spite of themselves. This was stated by sociologist Boryana Dimitrova from “Alfa Research” in the show “Face to Face” on BTV.

This will lead to some exotic formations or radical parties jumping over the electoral barrier. The more exotic and arrogant you are, the more you attract that vote not to the people who are looking for political representatives, but to those who are looking to punish with their vote, she warned.

According to the political scientist Hristo Panchugov, a large part of the people who drop out of the voting process due to disappointment, want a plan to get out of this situation. Voters want a person who is willing to take responsibility to get the political system and the country out of this impasse. At this moment, no such policy is emerging, but we see people who cannot overcome themselves, do not know what to do and behave as they feel inside. They don't think there will be consequences. They categorically refused to talk to others and look for a way out of the situation.

Society is strongly divided, the task of politicians is to outline common policies and points of contact that will unite Bulgarian citizens and which one day, if they start forming a coalition, they will be able to search for. People see the differences, the distance, the task of the politicians is to outline where the common causes are, stressed Dimitrova.

In her words, our politicians are unprepared and it shows, but it is important where they will lead us.

The focus of these elections became the battle within the DPS, Panchugov specified.

According to Dimitrova, many things may change during the campaign. At the moment, we have no reason to say that any of the parties will significantly increase their electorate. The other thing is that we are once again registering a low voter turnout, around 31 percent. When asked if a government will be formed, about 55% of people do not believe that this will happen, that is, they are demotivated to vote. For me, the key question is whether the parties can convince the voters that they will achieve a stable government, she revealed.

We look at three components on which to base our analysis - participation in elections, representation and accountability. They have been in severe deficit in recent years. We currently have a new problem – for the representation or the one who bears the responsibility. Against this background, we cannot expect Bulgarian citizens to recognize the mantra: “If you don't vote – there's no reason to grumble” or “You better vote or they will steal the election”? The abdication of politicians is obvious. That is, they do not feel represented, protected and do not see a perspective. At such a moment, ordinary emotions begin to dominate – fear, anger, etc., explained Panchugov.