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Asen Vasilev promised the average salary of €2,000, but after 4 years

3 years ago people had to choose between bread and medicine, recalled the former finance minister

Sep 27, 2024 20:01 30

Asen Vasilev promised the average salary of €2,000, but after 4 years  - 1

Three years ago we saw people who had to choose between bread and medicine. In these 3 years, things started to change a little less, the income went up. He said this at the opening of the election campaign of "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria". Asen Vassilev.

"If we keep this pace, in 4 years the minimum wage will be 1,000 euros, the average - 2,000. We want normal wages - such as there are in Austria, Germany and the USA,", he made a request.

"We started for the first time to really invest in health care, we continued the investment in education. No quality - this is the next battle. When there is money, we can demand quality", Vassilev explained.

In his words, in the last 30 years, one of the most key things underlying the development of the economy has been forgotten - namely: investments in people. This is precisely why the result is a worsening of the demographic situation and 1 million Bulgarians who have left the country.

"While we are waiting for the savior, let's go out and vote and walk towards him step by step before we really run,' Asen Vassilev urged.

"We didn't forget about our dreams. We enter this campaign with them: with the fight for better quality, free education, with the fight for affordable healthcare. We are here - we believe that we will be together, we believe in success," Academician Nikolay Denkov said in turn.

"We have to choose which era we want to live in. "Revival" they offer us a return to 1945. Colleagues from ITN put us in a chalgoteka. The older colleague from DPS wants to take us back to the Transition years, where people with a more massive structure are on the phone and things happen. The colleagues from GERB want to take us back to 2008 and 2009, when entire highways disappeared without anyone asking them why. We want Bulgaria to take a step forward towards the future. The things that have happened in recent years bring us a little closer to this," said Kiril Petkov.

For Nadezhda Yordanova from "Democratic Bulgaria" among the important things is to provide a court and the prosecution to ensure that the law is not a club but a shield for our future.

"We have to provide a business environment, without the risk of over-regulation, without the risk of stealing business, an environment with less regulatory regimes, with electronic services, management and the state does not interfere with business and let it generate added value", said Bozhidar Bojanov (DB).

"I want to ask all of you, since you are here, give your support. Make an effort to multiply it. Look at the people around you and tell them there is an election on October 27th. Some do not know, overwhelmed by their daily problems. Let them go and support the PP-DB Coalition with number 25. This is the political force that has the capacity to extricate Bulgaria from the political crisis. Give support to Kiril, Nadezhda, Asen and Bozhidar - these are respectable people with higher education and have the capacity to be useful to the Bulgarian state. We have a plan to get Bulgaria out of the political crisis. We are willing to delegate some of the power we will receive to the executive branch. Let's find that highly authoritative person, ready to take the post of Prime Minister - to be equally distant from the parties. To have the independence to choose a government team that will actually make the necessary reforms. Our country is stuck. There are over 26 bodies whose mandates have expired, some of them have two expired mandates," said Gen. Atanas Atanasov (DB).