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Birshen Ibryamova before FACTS: Ceyhan's spirit is good, as good as a person can be in such a situation

The election of the chairman of the parliamentary group is done with a proposal in the parliamentary group, but then came the moment with the signatures of the blank sheets, she says

Oct 4, 2024 14:27 29

Birshen Ibryamova before FACTS: Ceyhan's spirit is good, as good as a person can be in such a situation  - 1

The independent deputy Jeyhan Ibryamov, who was arrested with a marked pair and since yesterday has been without immunity as a member of parliament, was admitted to the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last night. His wife Birshen shared this with FAKTI. What and how happens in the DPS… Here's more from Birshen Ibryamov.

- Mrs. Ibryamova, how are you feeling right now? You went on a hunger strike?
- Physically, I feel good. I drink water.

- Earlier this morning you were not in your place in front of the parliament. Why? What's going on?
- I saw my husband after I found out that he was taken to the Ministry of Internal Affairs hospital. They called me and I had to take his personal belongings. Until now, I had not brought him personal belongings, because yesterday he was in the custody of “G.M. Dimitrov“, and last night they told me that he is in hospital.

- How is he, how is he?
- Turns out he got a stomach bug. That's what they explained to me at the hospital, but without much detail. That's why I was with him.

- You saw it. How is it…
- Ceyhan's spirit is as good as one can be in such a situation.

- I want to go back to the beginning of the whole story. What happened in the parking lot of a large food chain in Sofia two days ago. He met Miroslav Todorov, with whom you are obviously familiar, and then…
- Yes, we know this guy. We were roommates years ago. I did not witness what happened in the parking lot. I know from your colleagues and from Ceyhan what happened. When my husband and I saw each other yesterday, he told me it was all a stage.

- The prosecutor's office announced that your husband was caught with marked money. How did it happen?
- This happened in the following way. Miroslav Todorov called him and told him that they should see each other because he found out that he was in Sofia. Ceyhan was coming home from Shumen because he is the leader of the leaves in Shumen. On the same day there was an opening of the campaign. Then my husband returned to Sofia, because the next day he was leaving for Haskovo, where another colleague of ours was detained - the mayor of Mineralni Bani. And he for the same reason - that he supports Mr. Dogan. My husband and Miroslav have spoken, as I said, Miroslav told him that he had to give him something. And so they see each other. Ceyhan, as far as I know, gave him money. I don't know exactly what their agreements were, and he thought that was what Miroslav was calling him for. At the moment Jehn stops, Miroslav gets out of his car and says to him: “You have elections now, you must need money.“ Ceyhan tells him that the election has nothing to do with their relationship and what she has to give him. Miroslav hands him money, gets into the car and leaves. At the same moment, the police came, whether they were from GDBOP or others - I don't know, and they arrested my husband. The money was marked and is in the amount of BGN 100,000.

- This happens after 7.10pm on October 2nd. A search of your home follows. What was seized from there?
- They came home at 9:00 without explaining much about what. Were they looking for money and election lists?

- What did they find?
- Nothing. They took two of my diaries in which I made notes related to my work. One folder with bank statements from the account of Mr. Ahmed Dogan, which I operate because I am an authorized person. Since 2001, I have been Mr. Dogan's secretary. Neither the statements nor the notebooks were relevant to what they told me they were looking for, but they were taken. They also took BGN 10,000 from home, which are our family funds. None of Ceyhan's personal belongings were seized.

- The action itself how it took place in your home...
- There is something interesting here. Our daughter went to an English lesson around 19:30. Three minutes later she called me on the phone to tell me that there were people on the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors who she thought were police. They asked her her name and if her parents were home. She told them her mother was at home. After he called me and told me this thing, I went outside and saw a gentleman. I told him my daughter had called and if there was anything I could help them with. The man said there was no need for now. This happens at around 7:30 p.m., and at 9 p.m. the people in question - eight people - said that our home should be searched. They entered, photographed the premises, then began a search everywhere.

- Their explanation was that it was urgent. You already said so… What urgency was there in your home?
- When I asked them to show me some document, order, decision, definition - they said they could not do it because it was urgent. They only identified themselves with badges. As far as I know, urgency means that the crime is currently being committed, which is particularly serious. Then you can refer to urgency. And in the case where you know that the person you are going to search is not even at home, because two hours before he was detained, and the child also told them that he was not there… What demands this urgency? They even told me that I can't wait for a lawyer to come, they have to come in right away.

- This is how the election campaign starts…
- Let me tell you, this is not how the election campaign starts for us. For us, this election campaign started four months ago and more, when they started arresting our colleagues - such as the mayor of Mineralni Bani, whom I mentioned to you.

- You are close to Mr. Ahmed Dogan. What happened, what happened in his relationship with Delyan Peevski after so many years. How do you explain this entire rift that occurred in the party. Only one vote in the parliament for the “Zhelyazkov” cabinet, which split the group, is hardly the reason?
- It is strongly said that I am close to Mr. Dogan. Yes, I've been his secretary for so long, but still, personal relationships don't mix with work. The rift is not because of the vote of the "Zhelyazkov" cabinet. Things started much earlier - from June 17, before the formation of the parliament. Then Ahmed Dogan called on Mr. Delyan Peevski to comply with the decisions of the National Conference. And they are that, when there are two party chairmen elected, they become chairmen of the parliamentary group. Peevski said that he would not agree with this decision, and you saw that on June 19, only Peevski was elected as the chairman of the parliamentary group.

- This, purely technically, is how it happens. Isn't there a vote in the parliamentary group?
- The election of the chairman of the parliamentary group takes place with a proposal in the parliamentary group, but then the moment came with the signatures of the blank sheets. A part of the people's representatives have signed on a blank sheet, and then it turns out that they have signed a proposal in which the name of only one co-chairman appears – that of Peevski, as the choice for the chairman of the parliamentary group.

- How things will develop around your husband. You already have a lawyer…
- From the moment they came home from KOMPI, I said I would call a lawyer. I called. A lawyer came home. Then he went to my husband when he was detained. The measure expires tomorrow at 7:10 p.m., and it must be heard in court in the morning, but at the moment I cannot say what the development will be.