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Borislav Gutsanov in front of FACTS: BSP does not belong to any chairman

There are no paratroopers on our lists, says the socialist

Oct 7, 2024 09:12 36

Borislav Gutsanov in front of FACTS: BSP does not belong to any chairman  - 1

On the agenda is the question of where the BSP is going after Cornelia Ninova? Why did it come to this situation? What's next… How does the BSP enter the election campaign… Borislav Gutsanov, chairman of the parliamentary group of the BSP in the last parliament, spoke to FAKTI.

- Mr. Gutsanov, we are already in an election campaign. Where is BSP going?
- After the change in the party on June 15, BSP took a new path. At the plenum, in a report, I outlined three points to stabilize the party – unification within and reconciliation with the comrades with whom we had fallen out for one reason or another, unification with the remaining left forces and closing the front with the presidential institution. I am glad that this course was adopted and has been followed steadfastly so far.
The new energy that gives “BSP – United Left“ is clearly visible. I'll give you an example – I am a guide in Varna and Shumen. I organized the opening of the campaign in both districts – the halls were full, the working, young people were also there. In recent years, we seem to have grown weaned from this sight. “BSP-United Left“ it gives a new, modern, left-wing alternative to the current timelessness, and that is appreciated. We want to ensure equal access to education and health care, to ensure social equality and justice. Every single Bulgarian citizen should have timely, adequate and high-quality health care. To give all children an equal chance, not those whose parents can't afford private lessons to suffer. Our messages are heard and understood.

- Start of “BSP-United Left“ of 6.9% determined sociologists at the very beginning of the campaign, and others give 5.3% now. How do you view this…
- No, of course, this is not the result we want and we do not accept it. Unfortunately, “BSP – United Left“ was subjected to serious fire since its creation. You saw the attempt by former comrades to disrupt the election registration. You saw how much malice poured out on the union. But again I take all the attacks as a sign that we are on the right track - no one attacks the weak, everyone targets the strong.
We - in the left union, see these elections as the first step for the return of the left as a major political force. A reunion is a complicated process, especially when we've been apart for 10 years - it just can't happen with a magic wand. This goal is not only important for us, but for the whole country. Much of the political crisis is due to the lack of a clear right and strong left. “ BSP – United Left“ is not only a step forward for the socialists, but also a step for getting out of the political crisis.

- BSP is now without Cornelia Ninova. Is there a “new beginning“…
for you too? - BSP has never been a leading party, so we cannot draw parallels. BSP is not under any chairman. The BSP is for every socialist, every left-wing person. Since June, we have returned to our values – collective decision-making, hearing different opinions. BSP has been strongest when it has brought together strong people with different views and we have argued and fought but in the end we have come out with the best policies. We are starting this again now. We are the only formation that presented a program for the elections – 100 solutions for accelerated development of the country. This program is the result of the work of the collective bodies and of all the powerful figures in the left union.

The idea of more justice is embedded in our program.

Take, for example, the excess profits generated by the banking sector – most of the banks in Bulgaria are foreign and their profits are exported. Part of this money must be invested in Bulgaria, and if necessary we will propose legislative changes so that these funds do not expire at the expense of each of us and the Bulgarian economy.

- Have the passions in the party died down? The court recognized Atanas Zafirov as chairman, have things been channeled?
- Things are calm in the party. I have to say that a lot of the so-called tension was just media hype created by a few former comrades. In the BSP, the STATUTE is clear – upon the resignation of the chairman, the National Council elects one of the deputies as a temporary acting official, who leads the party until direct elections are held. The procedure here is quite similar to the procedure in the country with the acting prime minister. The court did the only logical thing – confirmed the decision of the National Council by which Atanas Zafirov was elected as acting chairman. After the elections, the BSP will hold a direct election and a chairman will be elected by all socialists.

- How the lists were determined. There are voices of resentment and refusal to work for the coalition in some places. How do you see things?
- The lists in the BSP are arranged by the local organizations. I must say that in these elections their wishes were heard almost one hundred percent. I can also give some examples. In Veliko Tarnovo, they got a leader from the region, who was insisted on for a long time in the person of Mariana Boyadzhieva. If you look closely, the guides and our lists are full of people who know the specifics and needs of the area from which they are applying.

There are no paratroopers on our list.

Leavers come from people who cannot swallow their personal ambitions and do not accept that they did not get places as leaders. I want to give them an example. Maya Manolova took a step back and withdrew from the lists, although she is one of our most experienced parliamentarians. However, she is in the field every day in a different region of the country. To this list I can also add President Georgi Parvanov, Rumen Petkov, Kostadin Paskalev, Tatiana Doncheva, and I thank them. This is the united left, the rest is ego.
It is interesting, by the way, that the other parties say how they broadcast their lists. I say again – with us, this is in the Statute.

- What will you remember the 50th parliament with?
- With the inability of a part of the parties to overcome their party egoism. This parliament failed to take a single decision in favor of the Bulgarian citizens, despite the BSP's attempts to tilt the conversation in that direction. You will recall that we have repeatedly called for and attempted to impose another agenda. Thanks to the hearing we offered on the fires, the decision to purchase new firefighting equipment was reached. We also raised the topic of aridity, we asked for measures in this direction. I'll give you an example. In the Shumen District, over 83% is the water loss through the network and at the same time there is a regime. The state should take measures for this. Instead, the “assembly“ it functioned on key topics and sold out the Bulgarian interest.
Unfortunately, the majority of GERB, PP-DB and DPS – regardless of which of the two, in the 50th parliament, he continued to buy super-expensive weapons for Bulgaria, export our weapons to Ukraine and destroy the Bulgarian energy industry. Again we witnessed incompetence, pathological servitude and greed.

- At least 7 parties can enter the 51st National Assembly. What are the chances of cabinet?
- Already in the 50th National Assembly, we stated that the way out of the crisis is an expert cabinet, a cabinet of national salvation. Unfortunately, we were not heard. And in the next parliament, this will most likely be the only workable solution. We don't need a second “assembly”, although it is the much easier solution for GERB, PP-DB and DPS. However, the point is to cast a government that can meet the needs of the state, and the “assembly” obviously failed.
A future cabinet should set several clear priorities and work on their implementation. This is the most important – to have real goals to stabilize and improve the situation in the country. About “BSP – United Left“ such a priority is justice in all spheres. According to the Constitution, health care is free, but in reality it is not – is that fair? No. We want equal access to education, an equal start, currently there is none for Bulgarian children. We want justice in the justice system – swift and predictable justice. We want development of Bulgaria's economy and protection of Bulgarian interests.

- GERB leader Boyko Borisov said that BSP are natural partners… How do you feel about this?
- This statement by Borisov is an obvious attempt at political intrigue. He does it more or less every election. BSP has a decision of the Congress that we cannot form a coalition with GERB and DPS. That decision can only be changed by Congress, and it doesn't happen overnight. No one in the current leadership would think of revising a collective body decision single-handedly. Those times are gone.
The question is not only technical, it is also a question of ideology and values. We have extremely serious differences with GERB and DPS in political terms. This very justice I spoke of above – we didn't see it being a priority for either party while they were in power. You saw what happened at the last session of the parliament, when, on the proposal of GERB and DPS, with the support of PP-DB, an attempt was made to practically close the Bulgarian energy industry by closing the coal regions. This policy of “assembly“ we cannot support.

- Two DPS will enter the parliament. Which will be easier to work with…
- For us, there is no good or bad DPS. For us, there are political values. I kind of answered your question already – we have a decision of Congress that we cannot form a coalition with GERB and DPS, and this decision is based on our differences on how the country should be governed. We want people-oriented politics, we want the national interest to come first. And what was the “assembly“ in which GERB, DPS and PP-DB participated – sold the Bulgarian energy industry for nothing and gave the Bulgarian armaments to Ukraine. For us, these are red lines and we cannot deviate from them.