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Calros Contrera before the FACTS: This will be the muddiest, senseless and brown election

Politics today is a greasy pehliva fight between simpletons, says the municipal councilor

Oct 7, 2024 13:08 43

Calros Contrera before the FACTS: This will be the muddiest, senseless and brown election  - 1

Elections on October 27, but without VMRO… Why? What is happening in the Metropolitan City Council, will we be without heating and public transport in the winter… Municipal councilor from VMRO Carlos Contrera spoke to FAKTI.

- Mr. Contrera, on October 27 we will vote in extraordinary parliamentary elections, but VMRO decided not to participate. Why? What don't you like?
- Why should VMRO legitimize a regular preliminary match? As we warned, this will be the muddiest, most meaningless and brown election ever. This is evident even with the circus around the registrations. These elections were changed even before the election campaign began. What was the option – to go out and lie to the voters that this election makes sense? Well, no. There will be no government again, no one can, could not... See the campaign – it doesn't have one. General talk and nonsense. I don't hear how they intend to govern and what exactly and how they will decide in the parliament. Waste of time. Why should we legitimize such insanity with participation? Or become donors of votes to one of the big – GERB, the two DPS, the Change, for which they write and in favor of which votes are stolen? Isn't it fairer to come out and tell people that a big scam is in the works?

For me, the goal should be a broad unification that works for elections for the Grand National Assembly

with one task – to armor the Constitution so that it does not happen that a conjunctural majority (for example Borisov-Peevski-Hristo Ivanov-Kyril Petkov) takes to reshaping it according to its own economic and political needs. In any case, there will be parliamentary elections again in the spring, because after October 27 another failed parliament is looming...

- GERD is expected to be first, and “Revival“ and PP-DB are fighting for second place. Who better to be second do you think?
- Who is first, who is second, who is third, it doesn't matter at all. The current parliamentary parties cannot give birth to anything meaningful. What if you're the first and you can't form a government! Elections have turned into sports betting and that's it. Parliamentary parties have failed for the third year in a row, we are about to enter the fourth. I expect after this election they will start to fall apart one after the other due to their own senselessness.

What are they in parliament for? To spin like cucumbers and get wages?

What did the first, and the second, and the third do. Nonsense talk. Actions and results? People are watching, judging, we are currently in the stage of apathy, and then there will be the stage of anger, which will probably sweep away the entire current party coterie. Let them think about him after these elections, if there is still no government and if they are still dealing with nonsense in the parliament. A hard winter is coming and you don't know where the anger will go...

- What would the cabinet look like after the vote… Or are we going to the elections in March?
- I don't see how any cabinet will be formed. Parliamentary parties have been dysfunctional for four years. They cannot give birth to anything constructive. From the spring of 2021, only destruction is being sown, institutions are literally being dismantled, they are crumbling before our eyes. This is the dowry of change in the most general sense, I am not talking about the specific party, but about the model. We are witnessing a cheap political rant with no substance behind it. And when there is no content, we come here. Political parties are by definition created to govern, that is their purpose. What is a party – unification around a platform, around ideas of a group of people with the aim of realizing them in management. What is happening now in Bulgaria – everyone stands for election, but no one wants or can govern... Paradox. There are two reasons for this – the first is that one part sees politics as a tool for personal survival and enrichment, the second – that we have turned politics into a show rather than a logically sustained, systematized activity.

Today, politics is a greasy Pehlivan fight between simpletons.

Simplicity rules at the moment, illiterate but extremely brash and brash. Well, can this lead to something positive, to building. It can't. Therefore, I predict that soon there will be great social unrest, much anger and hatred. How will this end – I can't say.

- If we transfer the battle between GERB and PP-DB to the Metropolitan Municipal Council, what are we witnessing…
- Since November last year, Sofia has been ruled by a dilettantish group of fools who ruin everything they touch. This is the change in Sofia.

- You predicted some time ago in FACTS that the autumn-winter collapse of public transport is imminent. Are we on the threshold, or will the municipality save him…
- Will we have public transport and metro in winter… - BGN 15 million for metro security is missing, BGN 25 million state compensation is missing… What's next?

As I predicted spring and summer – the collapse in transport came. There will be transport, but the question is what kind. If flights are 40-50-60 minutes apart, it is not public transport. Some things were promised during the elections, something else is happening now.

The experiments of “Save Sofia“ in transport they can literally stop it

– whether due to lack of funding, whether due to strikes by transport workers, whether a combination of both. A financial hole is opening up in transport. It is happening exactly as I warned them in March 2024. Only slogans and pictures on Facebook will not do. By the way, the so-called change has a huge comfort to manage. A financial majority of over 45 municipal councilors accepted Terziev's budget, a transport majority accepted the economic transport framework of Spasi Sofia. What are they complaining about now? Everything that was important to them, they accepted. VMRO is the only consistent opposition to Terziev and PP-DB-SS, the only one. Everyone else is playing with the budget, the transport framework. You ask me what's next – in the medium term, a pogrom in the administration of Sofia follows. I say pogrom because the chaos in Sofia is just beginning.

- There is also a problem regarding the insurance of passengers in public transport. Explain what it's all about…
- Sofia Municipality owes BGN 14.1 million as of September 30, 2024 to Sofia Motor Transport, respectively the insurances have not been paid. When you don't pay your premiums, your policy becomes invalid, that's the problem. Already on March 19, 2024, I warned them that from the so-called sure receipts BGN 100.91 million (this was offered by “Save Sofia” and they accepted it) – BGN 75 million are for salaries, the remaining BGN 25 million remain for diesel, natural gas, insurance, parts, oils, etc. The bill does not come out, there is no way it will come out. That is why the transport in Sofia is in technological dysfunction. I warned them that it would happen like this, but they don't want to listen... That's why the whole city is now suffering from the political stubbornness and stupidity of various saviors.

- "Bulgargaz" and the Ministry of Energy froze the accounts of "Toplofikatsia Sofia". Is it in question to keep the residents of the capital warm in the winter…
? - For me, this is a strange move. Obviously, another target is being sought besides “Bulgargaz” to collect some BGN 24 million for natural gas. I don't think there is a risk that the people of Sofia will be left out in the cold because of a lack of gas.

- Why the theme “Heating Sofia“ it keeps getting postponed, and no solution is found. Disputes, liabilities and finally people take on the debts as end users?
- This is a very serious conversation, rather late. My view, the view of VMRO-Sofia, is that “Heating-Sofia“ EAD must become state-owned in parallel with a radical reform of the Energy Act. What we mean. First and foremost for the entire country – to introduce the concept of “energy poverty” in the Law on Energy, to consider a package to support energy-poor citizens, including those using central heating. This will allow the state to assist poorer citizens to pay their heating bills, and the district heating companies to get out of the vicious circle of operating at a planned loss. The next step is to break the vicious circle “Bulgargaz” to drain “Heating-Sofia“ through gas bills. To introduce rules that the consumption, not the estimated quantity, is paid. Currently, “Bulgargaz” bills a volume of gas on a monthly basis, starts charging you interest for something you haven't even consumed yet, let alone produced electricity or heat, provided it to customers. Paradoxically, no force was found to change this vicious pattern. For the “Heating-Sofia“ - to become state-owned, the state to take it under the debt-for-property scheme. Shall I remind you that after the Triple Coalition, the state saddled the municipality of Toplofikatsia with BGN 500 million in debt? Let the debts to the state be assessed – to BEH, to “Bulgargaz”, against them the state should receive shares and take over management of “Toplofikatsia-Sofia”. This is an option for a general solution. VMRO is working towards such a proposal.