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Viktor Papazov in front of FACTS: Bulgaria has long been no longer a country, but a colony

It is a complete waste of time to listen to what fraudsters from GERB-SDS, PP-DB and DPS tell me, says the candidate for deputy from Vazrazhdane

Oct 14, 2024 12:53 59

Viktor Papazov in front of FACTS: Bulgaria has long been no longer a country, but a colony  - 1

The elections on October 27 are approaching, but this is only one of the questions before the public. How will wages grow, will we keep the budget deficit below 3%, are we protecting our national interest… Victor Papazov spoke to FAKTI, said a candidate for the deputy from "Vazrazhdane".

- Mr. Papazov, until the elections on October 27, the days go by. What we hear from the parties and what we hear from “Revival“…
- To be honest, I don't know what the other parties are saying. I stopped listening to them a long time ago, because long ago we all saw that they say one thing and do another. Do you remember how Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev swore allegiance to President Radev, and now they don't stop insulting him? Do you remember how these two would fight against corruption and “spell“ Borisov, and then they embraced him and became his coalition partners, excuse me, partners?
Shall I recall how they fought heroically against #WHO – Delyan Peevski, and then they sat on his lap to drink greasy Trusko coffee? Even these days I saw some article by Ivaylo Mirchev, in which he wholeheartedly convinces us that Peevski had changed and is now a good person, a Euro-Atlantic?
Do you think it's a coincidence that people don't want to vote? Are they disillusioned and feel cheated after so many lies?
It is for this reason that I also think it is a complete waste of time to listen to what fraudsters from GERB-SDS, PP-DB and DPS tell me.

- “Revival“ and PP-DB in dispute for second place. Who positioned himself how…
- I don't understand the question well. What positioning do you mean... “Revival“ since its creation, it has directly defended Bulgarian interests and therefore constantly increases its electoral support.
In this sense, the position of “Revival“ is pro-Bulgarian and in defense of national sovereignty.
The behavior of PP-DB is in the interest of our Euro-Atlantic masters and against Bulgarian interests. Here are some examples? The early termination of the contract with “Gazprom“ at our instigation and fault, costing us millions in higher natural gas prices. Premature termination of the exemption from sanctions regarding "Lukoil", which also led to an increase in fuel prices. The scandalous signing of the deal for the supply of Russian gas again, but through Turkish intermediaries, which was probably dictated by the personal financial interests of the negotiators. The betrayal of national interests that Mr. Vassilev committed as finance minister when he signed a document for the early closure of the TPP “Maritsa Iztok” and many more.

- DPS of two – hardly anyone expected this, but what will follow from this in the life of Parliament. How do you expect these two DPS factions to position themselves?
- I cannot comment on the internal party fights and intrigues in this party, and I do not find any particular difference between the two factions. I see a teacher struggling for power with the student he himself created and empowered. It is a life and death power struggle between two people.

- Why before every new election we talk about how the paid and falsified vote will be neutralized, and we don't talk about policies...
- Good question, actually there are two. The short answer is – because Bulgaria has long been not a country, but a colony. And, in the colonies, governance is carried out precisely in this way and by such people. Did you know there is a term that describes exactly this type of management? It's called KAKISTOCRACY – from Greek “kakistos“ – worst.

So kakistocracy is the rule of the worst, most corrupt, most incompetent, most unscrupulous people.

There is no way to talk about politics and the welfare of the Bulgarians, since it is precisely such people who rule the country in the interest of their Western masters, who in turn allow them to rob us in the most brazen way.

- Is the paid vote the easiest way to enter the parliament…
- I don't know. I have never entered Parliament in such a way, nor have I participated in any such schemes. My experience of participating in sectional election commissions gives me reason to say that fraud and manipulation of election results can be prevented relatively easily if there is a desire in the so-called politicians. Alas, this does not suit them, and that is why the electoral code is changed before every election.

- You are an economist. How do you view the statements of the Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova, who stated that inflation next year can be kept up to 3%... Is it purely a matter of accounts…
- I would bet the lady that this will not happen. Unfortunately, officials not elected by anyone - I mean office management - can irresponsibly say whatever nonsense comes to their mind without being held accountable. With her statements, the lady is trying to please our Euro-Atlantic masters. The goal is on paper to keep inflation down to 3% in order to meet the requirements for entering the Eurozone – i.e. for giving up our national currency, which is giving up NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. I don't know if she and her colleagues have been given such a task, or if they are just competing to show greater servility to the officials in Brussels in order to push Bulgaria into this trap/swamp called the Eurozone.

- The year is passing, and the budget for 2024 is in the red. How much longer will we continue like this… A budget in the red means loans…
- Of course it will be in the red. When our economy systematically collapses, this is the natural result. How much longer will it last? Until they loot everything in our country. There is still something. Here, Mr. Borisov has given the waters of Bulgaria to some Israeli companies. Our gold has already been given to foreign concessionaires. They tried on the last day of the current parliament to close Maritsi, but “Revival“ and more MPs managed to stop it for the time being. Block 5 of the Kozloduy NPP was destroyed. A year or two ago, they tried to sell the state-owned agricultural land for nothing.
As for loans, this is the easiest way to rob a country. You also give a loan from maternity money, which is not secured by anything, and in return you receive real assets – land, forests, gold ores and the like. This is called – debt slavery.

- In recent days, the topic of increasing the minimum wage has also become relevant. How do you view this?
- People have the right to ask for an increase in their wages. Through inflation, the purchasing power of their income drops significantly. Unfortunately, administrative measures can only temporarily compensate for this loss, and even partially. The permanent solution is to revive the Bulgarian economy, to start producing products with high added value, where will the money for high salaries come from. As I've said many times, you can't ask for a German wage when they make high-tech cars there, and here we make some plastic parts and insoles for those cars. As much as we don't like it, Marx is right that complex labor is simple labor multiplied. That is why the wages of workers in high-tech industries are several times higher than those in low-tech industries.

- Main thesis of “Revival“ is to keep our own currency - BGN. The argument against it is to adopt the euro. What stage are we at with this?
- Preserving our own currency is a struggle to preserve OUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. If we lose the leva, we lose the opportunity to make decisions about our own existence and future. Decisions will be made by someone else in Brussels or Washington. The fight continues. The majority of GERB-SDS, PP-DB and DPS violated the law on the participation of citizens in government by voting a decision in violation of this law. Unfortunately, political appointees to the Constitutional Court upheld this illegal decision, effectively suspending the Constitution they are called to protect.

Victor Papazov was born on July 18, 1958 in Sofia in the family of a Bulgarian general. Before venturing into the world of capital markets, he graduated from UNSS with two master's degrees – “Economics and planning“ and “Management and planning of the national economy“. He is the only Bulgarian (so far) who graduated from the prestigious Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He participated in a number of international programs, including the Georgetown University Leadership Seminar, specialized in the Securities and Exchange Commission in the USA, DC Gardner in London and AOTS in Tokyo. Viktor Papazov is a Certified Management Consultant - Bulgarian Association for Management Consultants. He speaks three foreign languages – English, Russian and Serbo-Croatian. He is an economic adviser to the political party "Vazrazhdane" and has been nominated for various positions, including a candidate for European Commissioner in 2024.