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Decrease in unemployment in September

The representatives of the risk groups, who found their work realization last month through subsidized jobs, are 1334

Oct 16, 2024 09:52 54

Decrease in unemployment in September  - 1

The level of registered unemployment in Bulgaria in September has decreased to 5.2 %. At the end of the month, the number of unemployed was 147,196, which is 3,513 less than in August. This is according to the data of the Employment Agency.

A total of 14,022 unemployed people started work in September with the mediation of the labor offices in the country. Their number increased by nearly 2,500 or by 21% compared to August. According to the data, 864 people from the groups of jobseekers employed, students and pensioners have also entered employment with the support of employment agencies. There is an increase in the number of vacancies on the primary market declared in the labor offices, which in September were 9,614. In the real economy, the most vacancies are in the field of education (27.4%), followed by the processing industry (24.1 %), trade (11.0%), public administration (9.2%), administrative and auxiliary activities (6.3%) and hotel and restaurant industry (6.1%), the Employment Agency informs.

As a result of the work of the Roma and youth mediators, as well as the labor mediators, over 3,400 persons inactive on the labor market were activated during the month. The representatives of the risk groups who found their employment last month through subsidized jobs are 1,334. Of them, 618 started working under employment programs and measures financed by the state budget, and 716 – on projects of the “Development of Human Resources” 2021 – 2027, co-financed by the European Social Fund plus. In September, more than 11,900 training vouchers were issued for the employed and unemployed.

The occupations most in demand by businesses in September are: teaching staff, human care staff, sales staff, machine operators of stationary machinery and equipment, staff employed in the field of personal services, cleaners and assistants, business and administrative specialists, waste collection workers and others, the Employment Agency also notes.

In this month, 20 job fairs will be organized in the country, according to information on the department's website. According to the schedule, there will be 16 general labor exchanges, and four specialized ones.