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Kostadin Kostadinov: Since "Vazrazhdane we have done everything possible to convince the Bulgarian people to go vote

The biggest weapon we have at the moment is the ballot to punish the ruling criminals for all the crimes they have committed in recent decades, says the leader of "Revival 

Oct 25, 2024 21:15 137

Kostadin Kostadinov: Since "Vazrazhdane we have done everything possible to convince the Bulgarian people to go vote  - 1

The election is on Sunday. Bulgaria elects the new 240 deputies. Interesting results are expected for the second place and around the 4% limit above which the parties enter the parliament. How did the campaign go… The leader of “Revival“ spoke to FAKTI Kostadin Kostadinov.

- Mr. Kostadinov, the election campaign is over. What did you manage to accomplish? What did you tell people?
- We told them that we have a golden chance to defeat the colonial status quo on Sunday because it is extremely weakened and disunited. We have a DPS that split in two and got into an extremely serious collision with each other. We have a BSP that has rapidly strengthened towards the bottom, also split. We have a split PP-DB, which currently exists as a coalition, because otherwise they would not be able to enter parliament separately. We have a vacillating GERB, which had to mobilize its mayors as in the barracks, so that it could desperately try to get at least a part of its votes. It is obvious that there will be a decline there as well. In fact, the entire colonial status quo, which was carefully constructed by the American Embassy in the last 35 years, is currently shaking. The reasons for this are both internal and external, but in this case it does not matter that much.
The important thing is that throughout the campaign we explained to the Bulgarian citizens only one very simple thing. The greatest weapon we have right now is the ballot to punish the criminals in power for all the crimes they have committed over the past decades.

- Okay, and let's turn the question around. What do people want from you, what do they most often tell you - do it?
- Retribution and justice, sentences for criminals. Naturally, people feel ripped off. They see that Bulgaria is the poorest country in the European Union. They see that here we have a conquered country, the mafia rules - regardless of whether the mafia is of GERB, or the DPS mafia, or the PP-DB mafia. This is the main thing that people want from us. They want justice, retribution and sentences for criminals.

- “Revival“ looking at second place. This is what sociology shows. What will you do with a mandate in your hands?
- “Revival” it always looks to the first place and that is why we have been fighting since the moment we were established as a political organization. Let the elections pass and then we will comment on the results.

- You, Kostadin Kostadinov - do you see yourself as prime minister?
- Only the Bulgarian citizens can say that.

- You were an unwanted partner of GERB, because we heard about "Revival" - no. But that has probably changed, because there is already talk - we will hold talks. Who has changed?
- I don't know what you are hearing, because for the last few days I have consistently heard Borisov confessing that his partners from Brussels and Washington would not allow him to work with "Vazrazhdane". But there is one small detail. First, we have to want too. Second,

unlike Borisov, unlike Kiril Petkov, from Asen Vassilev, unlike Delyan Peevski and any other such specimens of the Bulgarian political fauna, we - from “Vazrazhdane”, have no masters.

We have no partners and allies to tell us what we can and cannot do. The only ones who can tell us what to do are our constituents. About this, a little while ago, when you asked me if I saw myself as prime minister, I answered: only the Bulgarian voters will say and decide that.

- Many and heterogeneous parties in the parliament. What cabinet chance options do you see?
- Oh, there's a huge chance, of course. Why do you say they are many and diverse?

There are two parties - “Revival“ and all other US Embassy projects.

In practice, we see a metastasis under several different names and "Revival", which is the only Bulgarian national organization in this parliament. So there will be no problem to form a government, and I am confident that it will be formed with the first mandate, which will be carried out under the umbrella of GERB with the votes of PP –DB and Peevski's DPS. The only ones who can mess up their plans are the Bulgarian citizens who come out and vote en masse to invalidate the bought and corporate vote.

- You want us to reconsider our participation in the European Union, but you also look at BRICS. The European Union is a political union and BRICS is an economic one. How can we be in both?
- Well, precisely because one is political and the other is economic. If both were political alliances, it wouldn't be obvious. But in this particular case, it is quite possible. Moreover, BRICS is a loose economic organization that is just starting to build multilateral economic ties, and at the moment bilateral contacts still mainly dominate. And that is why we insist on having such close bilateral contacts with the main bearers of the BRICS idea. And these are Russia in the first place, China, India and all other rapidly developing economies that are currently at the forefront of world economic growth.

- And why exactly BRICS? What will give us an alliance in which Russia participates? Did he declare us an enemy country?
- She declared us an enemy state after we took hostile actions towards her. And this is quite logical. It is precisely for this reason that we have been explaining from the very beginning of the war in Ukraine that Bulgaria must end the sanctions against Russia, because they are not profitable for the Bulgarian economy, they are profitable for the USA. I understand the masters of Borisov and Petkov, who then ordered them to vote for these sanctions - these are the representatives of the American Embassy. And it is normal, because they are pursuing their interests. But we, the Bulgarians, have completely different interests and they have nothing to do with the interests of either the American Embassy, the European Commission, or their representatives in Bulgaria - GERB, PP-DB, DPS and all the other metastases.

- You brought up the topic of the barracks again, why should it return, aren't we in NATO after all?
- I don't understand the question? Since we are with NATO and we don't have to have an army, right? In addition, I do not understand why again we have a position on this issue that has been irrevocable for the last 10 years and we repeat it constantly. It's just that periodically someone remembers that we have a similar proposal in our program, which, by the way, corresponds to the Bulgarian Constitution, in which, as you well know, there is an article that obliges Bulgarian citizens to refuse their military service. But no one has thought to remove it from the Constitution, and at the moment there is a Constitution that is practically not respected. So on this issue our position is clear - rebuild the barracks. This will not be easy in view of the fact that, at least at the moment, because of the treacherous policies of the Bulgarian governments after 2004, when we joined NATO. Then a huge part of the Bulgarian barracks was sold off and the units became practically a wasteland. You can't live there right now, you can't sleep there, so we'll have to invest a lot of money, but I'll say what I'll actually justify the whole question you're asking me. Freedom and independence have no price. He who does not feed his army feeds another's.

- What will be new when we wake up on October 28, another calendar day or…
- This depends solely on the Bulgarian citizens. We - from "Vazrazhdane" have done everything in our power to wake up the Bulgarian people and tell them that if they do not choose "Vazrazhdane", they are choosing death for Bulgaria.