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How many times have we voted in the last 10 years?

Our country pursues the leading position in Europe in terms of the number of caretaker governments

Oct 27, 2024 08:13 45

How many times have we voted in the last 10 years?  - 1

On October 27, Bulgaria voted in six consecutive early parliamentary elections. The vote will determine who will be the new 240 deputies in the future 51st National Assembly. The year 2024 began with the news that in the 12 months half the population of the planet will participate in elections, bTV reports.

Elections in the current calendar year are scheduled in 60 countries, there was also voting for members of the European Parliament. And in Bulgaria, in 2024, parliamentary elections will be held twice. 19 parties and 9 coalitions took part in the last ones on Sunday.

When were the elections in the last 10 years?

Parliamentary elections 27 October 2024 (early),

Elections June 9, 2024 - (early),

Elections April 2, 2023 - (early),

Elections 2 October 2022 - (early),

Elections November 14, 2021 - (early),

Elections 11 July 2021 - (early),

Elections April 4, 2021 – (regular),

Elections March 26, 2017 – (premature),

Elections 5 October 2014 - (early).

Separately from the parliamentary elections, European, presidential, local and partial local elections were held.

We are still in the process of getting used to the new party system after 2021, but frequent early elections are a hallmark of many countries in Europe.

In 2022 alone, Britain had three different prime ministers. One of them – Liz Truss, was in office for only 49 days.

Research shows that after World War II, governments in Europe managed to last about 2 years on average before falling.

Governments in Belgium, Finland and Italy often did not last even a year. In these countries, the average length of government since World War II has been less than 365 days – much less than the full term laid down in their constitutions.

The official governments

The fall of a regular cabinet and the failure to form a new one leads to the scheduling of and new elections. Their organization is a major task for the caretaker governments.

By the end of 2022, Bulgaria will be second in the EU in terms of the number of caretaker governments. Thus, in 2024, Bulgaria will already have 11 official offices.

Unlike the other countries in the ranking, offices in Bulgaria have a shorter duration in terms of days, due to the time requirements of trying to form a government, dissolving parliament and scheduling elections.

In recent years, we have witnessed that a caretaker prime minister can serve two consecutive terms.