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DSB came out with an official position on the nomination of Atanas Atanasov

The national leadership came out with a position

Dec 1, 2024 10:12 116

DSB came out with an official position on the nomination of Atanas Atanasov  - 1

DSB came out with an official position on the nomination of Atanas Atanasov for the Speaker of the National Assembly.

„The national leadership of DBS decided to offer the coalition partners from „Yes, Bulgaria” and “We Continue the Change” that a common candidacy of the coalition for the chairman of the 51st National Assembly be nominated, namely - the chairman of the DSB Atanas Atanasov. We believe that his long-term political experience, the proven results in his relentless fight against corruption at the highest levels of power and with the Russian “fifth column”, qualify him as the most suitable candidate of the PP-DB coalition for the chairman of the 51st National Assembly. ;, they state from there.

Here is the full position:

„The national leadership of the DSB, taking into account the severe political crisis and the blocking of the work of the parliament, the withdrawn candidacy of the first political force GERB-SDS for the chairman, the need to end illegitimate influence in the judiciary, regulatory and control bodies, countering corruption and abuse of influence, the urgency of urgent adoption of the ZSV, which would guarantee the termination of the procedure for electing a new chief prosecutor from the SJC with an expired mandate, the need from the immediate adoption of the Law on the State Budget for 2025, regulating a 3% deficit, with a view to our adoption at the beginning of 2025. in the Eurozone, the adoption of anti-corruption legislation included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, changes to the Electoral Code guaranteeing the fairness of the electoral process, the filling of the composition of regulatory and control bodies with expired mandates based on public, transparent procedures guaranteeing the election of professionals with high moral qualities, who are party neutral and enjoy high public trust, decided: offers the coalition partners of “Yes, Bulgaria” and “We Continue the Change” that a common candidacy of the coalition for the chairman of the 51st National Assembly be nominated, namely - the chairman of the DSB Atanas Atanasov. We believe that his many years of political experience, the proven results in his relentless fight against corruption at the highest levels of power and with the Russian "fifth column" qualify him as the most suitable candidate of the PP-DB coalition for the chairman of the 51st National Assembly . We are convinced that you appreciate our concern for finding a way out of the blocking of the constitutional procedure for the constitution and commencement of work of the 51st National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria in the interest of the rule of law and protection of citizens' rights.