If we miss the date of January 1, 2026, the earliest Bulgarian EU membership is 2028. This government will turn out to be without a great goal. If it achieves it, it will be legitimate and will justify everything else that will happen.
This is what Vesselin Stoynev predicted in front of "The Day Begins" on BNT.
The cabinet started in conditions of good credit of confidence. The government started directly with the political theme of the year - the eurozone. It entered a little hesitantly. A huge noise was created and the citizens did not understand what was happening. The illusion was created that inflation was high. It turned out that it was not so. The problem is the budget deficit. The question is whether these 18 billion are there. BGN hole, Stoynev added.
The government has started solidly, but it is not in a hurry. Much of the work, with such a multi-party cabinet, requires an awful lot of work inside. The situation is such that it does not wait. The public wants things to stabilize. The big topic of the eurozone is on the agenda, the great expectation that there will be a budget and that the machine will start working in Bulgaria. This was commented by Haralan Alexandrov.