I want the BSP to work for justice in action, because what other party, if not the socialist one, should and can fight for justice in every respect, to fight inequalities. The Gini coefficient, economically speaking, is high in Bulgaria, i.e. social inequalities in the country are significant. This was said by Dr. Kaloyan Pargov – candidate for BSP chairman at a meeting with supporters in Sliven.
He believes that this is deeply unfair, since Bulgaria's place is not at the bottom of the queue in the European Union in terms of standard and quality of life, and this must change.
„Change can come with a different policy, which I do not call purely social, but a policy that must be active, related to the development of industry and economy. Our representatives in parliament, and now in the executive branch, must advocate for this before the other partners,“ Pargov is convinced.
In his words, right-wing parties say: „The less state, the better“, but in the West, no matter who rules where – whether Christian Democrats, right-wingers, socialists or social democrats, it turns out that in Austria, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands the redistributive functions of the state are much higher than in Bulgaria. And these are strong social states, especially the northern model - Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. It is no coincidence that Ireland, Denmark and the Netherlands are in the top 5-6 countries in the world in terms of quality of life.
„This may sound like a chimera to us, but at the moment everything that is happening in the world can give us chances to be more ambitious. And I wish the Bulgarian Socialist Party would be the leader in ideas in this regard“, was categorical Kaloyan Pargov, who is also the chairman of SINPI.
He added that the idea of nationalizing “Lukoil Neftochim“ was heard in the National Assembly, which suits the socialists, which suits our party - we should be the first to ask for it, to put it as a topic, because we have talked about the role of the state many times. “And we fell into a stupor“, noted Pargov.
According to him, good ideas that concern the protection of national interests must seek a broad consensus in order to be realized.
The candidate for chairman of the BSP explained that it is necessary to set a national goal and have a national doctrine. In his words, the Eurozone cannot be a national goal. It can be a tool if we judge that this will bring us prosperity or the opposite.
“The goal should be for Bulgaria to be in the golden mean of European countries in terms of standard and quality of life, which means launching certain reforms - both administrative, economic and judicial. Especially in this changing world, new opportunities and market niches will open up and it depends on us whether we will take advantage of this global transformation“, Kaloyan Pargov was categorical.